Charlotte Clark ✅ · @ukgenealogylinks
61 followers · 140 posts · Server

I'm currently working on a blog post about my travelling ancestors. The complexities of tracing travelling ancestors means that this will be a long post.

#travellers #gypsies #gloucestershire #Wiltshire #familyhistory #genealogy

Last updated 2 years ago

Auschwitz Memorial · @auschwitzmuseum
79672 followers · 690 posts · Server

On 23 February we will host an online seminar dedicated to the persecution of Roma & Sinti, the history of the so-called Zigeunerlager at Auschwitz II-Birkenau, and the contemporary contexts of functioning of Roma communities.

Details & registration:


#auschwitz #birkenau #zigeunerlager #history #histodons #roma #Sinti #gypsies #genocide #education #seminar #online #nazis #WW2

Last updated 2 years ago

Auschwitz Memorial · @auschwitzmuseum
77757 followers · 664 posts · Server

🇬🇧 On , remember the millions of victims of the during World War II, and in the face of rising anti-Semitism, revisionism and conspiracy theories, we must remain vigilant to combat misinformation and educate future generations about these atrocities.
Millions of , /Rom/Calós, and other human beings arrested for faith and political reasons, were killed just for thinking or believing differently from an ideology or a group of people.
This door of a concentration camp was unfortunately what many of my brothers and sisters saw before going to the Eternal East, on this day I remember them.

🇵🇹 No , lembra-se as milhões de vítimas do durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial e, diante do crescente anti-semitismo, revisionismo e teorias da conspiração, devemos permanecer vigilantes para combater a desinformação e educar as gerações futuras sobre essas atrocidades.
Milhões de judeus, /roma/calós, e outros seres humanos detidos por questões de fé e políticas, foram mortos só por pensarem ou crerem diferente de uma ideologia ou de um conjunto de pessoas.
Esta porta de um campo de concentração foi o que infelizmente muitos dos meus irmãos e irmãs maçons viram antes de irem para o Oriente eterno, neste dia recordo-os.

🇫🇷 Dans le 'Holocauste, nous souvenons des millions de victimes du régime nazi pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et, face à la montée de l'antisémitisme, du révisionnisme et des théories du complot, nous devons rester vigilants pour lutter contre la désinformation et éduquer les générations futures sur ces atrocités.
Des millions de , de /roms/calós, de et d'autres êtres humains arrêtés pour des raisons religieuses et politiques, ont été tués simplement parce qu'ils pensaient ou croyaient différemment d'une idéologie ou d'un groupe de personnes.
Cette porte d'un camp de concentration était malheureusement ce que beaucoup de mes frères et sœurs ont vu avant d'aller dans l'Orient Éternel, en ce jour je me souviens d'eux.

🇪🇦 En el se recuerda los millones de víctimas del régimen nazi durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y, ante el aumento del antisemitismo, el revisionismo y las teorías de la conspiración, debemos permanecer atentos para combatir la desinformación y educar a las generaciones futuras sobre estas atrocidades.
Millones de , /rom/calós, y otros seres humanos detenidos por motivos religiosos y políticos, fueron asesinados sólo por pensar o creer diferente a una ideología oa un grupo de personas.
Esta puerta de un campo de concentración fue lamentablemente la que vieron muchos de mis hermanos y hermanas antes de ir al Eterno Oriente, en este día los recuerdo.

#HolocaustRemembranceDay #naziregim #jews #gypsies #freemasons #freemason #dialembrancadoholocaustro #regimenazi #Ciganos #macons #jourdusouvenirdel #juifs #gitans #francsmacons #diaderecuerdaciondelholocausto #judios #gitanos #massones #masones #masonas

Last updated 2 years ago

Catherine · @MrsNettles
317 followers · 1022 posts · Server

@lauraphillips Most disturbing thing for me is the realisation that, once the killing started, it was too late for ordinary people to resist without risking death themselves. We are on the brink.

#refugees #racism #ableism #gypsies #holocaustmemorialday

Last updated 2 years ago

Social Collages · @SocialCollages
5 followers · 28 posts · Server

Flamenco Dancer. A Spanish flamenco dancer (una bailaora), with a fan and a mantilla. Handmade collage using paper and watercolor.

Link to Collage:

#gypsies #Collage #Artist

Last updated 2 years ago

Auschwitz Memorial · @auschwitzmuseum
77035 followers · 648 posts · Server

15 January 1944 | Five Roma newborn girls who were born in the so-called Zigeunerlager at the BIIe sector in Auschwitz II-Birkenau camp were registered with numbers from Z-9752 to Z-9756.

387 Roma children were born in the camp. None of them survived.

Learn about the fate of some 23 thousand Roma and Sinti deported to Auschwitz.
See our online lesson:


Listen to the podcast about their story:


#auschwitz #roma #Sinti #Romani #gypsies

Last updated 2 years ago

Gypsies’ and Travellers’ lived experiences, culture and identities, England and Wales: 2022 – Office for National Statistics

#travellers #gypsies #culture #identity #lived_experience #greylit #greyliterature #nglc

Last updated 2 years ago

Johan Roux 🏳️‍🌈 · @RouxJ
2038 followers · 4440 posts · Server

crashed in the Region

From now on, problems with the supply of heroin are expected in this area. 🤷‍♂️

Sich 🔞

#ukrainian #sverdlovsk #gypsies

Last updated 2 years ago

Auschwitz Memorial · @auschwitzmuseum
74349 followers · 467 posts · Server

27 December 1919 | A German Sinti, Bruno Anton, was born in Bülow.

In Zigeunerlager (Gypsy camp) in Auschwitz II-Birkenau from 14 March 1943.
No. Z-2974
He perished in the camp on 26 July 1943.


Learn about the fate of some 23 thousand Roma & Sinti deported to Auschwitz.

Online lesson:


#auschwitz #WW2 #history #roma #Sinti #gypsies #genocide #birkenau #zigeunerlager #nazis #germany #remember #neverforget #otd #facts #bulow

Last updated 2 years ago

PERPERIKON · @perperikon
156 followers · 243 posts · Server

I'm tired of .
like to think they are better than gypsies and mostly they are, because it is easy to compare yourself to that pathological environment full of violence, drugs and exploitation that is the community and think you are better. Underneath the pale skin, however, you can see the same shade of moral rot, just in a different packaging.
The celebrate Christmas like this: a mother, about 20-25 years old, already 30+ in appearance, with a four-year-old girl dressed in a pretty dress walks through the underground metro cars with a loudspeaker in her backpack, singing Christmas carols and horribly faking it. The girl is intimidated, puzzled, and when she catches my disgusted gaze, she suddenly lowers her head in shame. I am disgusted. I am saddened that a parent is using their child in the role of such a clown and laughing stock to make a few pennies. The girl can be happy anyway, because now she's singing carols on the metro and bothering people, and in five or seven years they'll send her out on the street to prostitute herself.
Romanians celebrate Christmas like this: I walk in the night from a Christmas business party. I refused to take a taxi to calm down a bit. Three o'clock at night. I see two girls, about 12 years old, by the walkway. They come up to me, frightened, asking for money. Where are the , I ask? Do they know that their children are walking this late in ?
The parents know because they sent them there themselves - the girls had scrounged up too little that day, so the parents beat them up and threw them out on the street to raise a predetermined amount. Without it, they will not be allowed into the house. The girls ask not to call the police because their brother has stayed home, he is 3 years old and they are afraid for him.
And this is how we spend Christmas - knowing, seeing, and unable to do anything about it.

#bucharest #parents #gypsies #Romani #Romanians #christmas

Last updated 2 years ago

Phil Groom · @notbovvered
207 followers · 366 posts · Server


Liverpool Cathedral 2022 Micah Lecture:

Dr Steven Horne talks about his new book, Gypsies and Jesus: A Traveller Theology, available now in hardback and eBook:


#liverpool #faith #spirituality #theology #grt #jesus #gypsies

Last updated 2 years ago

Br0m3x · @Br0m3x
122 followers · 2313 posts · Server

The problem is that people have no idea what Nazism was.

Please remember basics!

voted for .

📢GERMANS, PEOPLE FROM began World War II, not Nazis.📢

Germans slaughtered

I am fed up when every kido uses nazi-word and has no idea about history.

#germans #nsdap #germany #jews #poles #russians #gypsies

Last updated 3 years ago