aiquez · @aiquez
162 followers · 4983 posts · Server

IndaTat . ma müsst Einmal anfangen etwas tun. Oder . besser. Nichts tun ist auch keine Lösung. Wann ist eigentlich peak-oil. ? Und fracking gas verheize ich aus Prinzip ungern .. .. Früher wären solche Bremser erfroren. ... Bevor sie sich mal überlegt hätten dann doch z.b. Speicher zu bauen und zu fördern . ...

Oder konsequent reststoffe zu Biogas zu vergären ..


#heat2share #h2s

Last updated 1 year ago

veit · @veit
1 followers · 9 posts · Server

Photography is all about compromises. For birds in flight I choose faster frame rates over more megapixels (and thus better “cropability”). I can pretty easily up-rez an image with state-of-the-art tools, but I cannot create missing frames (yet?).
Like in photography, when you have to compromise, having a good grasp on what is available today and what use cases will be enabled in the near future is key for your path forward. It’s worth the effort to continuously revisit and improve your workflow, even it it means using tools from multiple different vendors, like I do for my photography.

#business #photography #fujifriday #h2s #photographers #fujifilm #art

Last updated 1 year ago

veit · @veit
1 followers · 6 posts · Server

Pro Bird Photographers often use rigs that cost $15k or more. I use a state-of-the-art camera with a 25 year-old Canon lens and manage to produce good result.

Like in photography, you don’t need to have the latest or most expensive gear to produce excellent results for your business. Investing in yourself and continuously honing your skills will produce better long-term results than just upgrading gear or jumping on the latest trend.

#fuji #business #photography #fujifriday #h2s #fujifilm #photographers

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Hunt · @Jim_Hunt
55 followers · 16 posts · Server

Good evening @amberfirefly & @alex,

Do either of you have any experience with (preferably low cost!) continuous monitoring of hydrogen sulphide concentrations (preferably in ppb!)?

Or do you by any chance know of somebody who might?

For some context please see:

Noise monitoring is also desirable, but I figure that's a lot easier to achieve.

& of the in /#Cornwall

#kernow #environment #pollution #noise #h2s

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Alexandre Santerne 🌍 · @AlexSanterne
1460 followers · 838 posts · Server

From these exquisite-precision data, we can identify many different species with a very high significance:

(with just one transit)

#sodium #na #potassium #k #water #h2o #hydrogen #sulfide #h2s #carbon #dioxide #co2 #methane #ch4 #monoxide #co #sulfur #so2 #astronomy #exoplanet #jwst

Last updated 2 years ago

bm :verified: · @bm
346 followers · 11704 posts · Server

"Gasotransmitter: Flüchtig, giftig, überlebenswichtig
Eingeatmet sind die Gase Stickstoffmonoxid, Kohlenmonoxid und Schwefelwasserstoff hochtoxisch. Dennoch stellt der sie als selbst her."

#körper #botenstoffe #chemie #medizin #forschung #h2s #co #no #LongText #imho

Last updated 2 years ago