''...the latest weekly percentage of #detections testing positive for seasonal #influenza viruses was 8.31 per cent during the week ending August 5, with influenza A (#H3) being the predominant subtype.''
For those interested in such things, here is a series of interpolated hierarchical hexagon population density visualisation for the British Isles/Islands off Northern Europe ("INE")
Using @WorldPopProject rastar world-population data, @geopandas, @pysal #tobler and #h3-py
The GeoPKG population density data is then rendered in @qgis
Once tidied up I'll publish the code on @GitHub under https://github.com/anisotropi4
#DataVisualization #hexagons #population #Europe #GB #Ireland
#Tobler #h3 #datavisualization #hexagons #population #europe #gb #ireland
#US CDC reported a presumptive positive #influenza A(#H3)v virus {of #swine origin} #infection: #Michigan Department of Health and Human Services first reported a presumptive positive influenza A(H3) variant virus infection on July 26 in a person who attended a fair that took place July 7-16. More: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/swineflu/spotlights/two-human-infection-swine-flu.htm?ACSTrackingID=USCDC_7_3-DM110155&ACSTrackingLabel=First%20Human%20Infections%20with%20Flu%20Viruses%20from%20Pigs%20Reported%20for%202023&deliveryName=USCDC_7_3-DM110155 #pigs #epizootic #enzootic #zoonoses #alert
#us #influenza #h3 #swine #infection #michigan #pigs #epizootic #enzootic #Zoonoses #alert
De drie projectontwikkelaars beschikken over 36 hectare grond waar zij ca. 24 hectare van kunnen bebouwen met 65% betaalbare woning
Nu op Medemblik praat: 'Projectontwikkelaars H3, Ooms en Timpaan willen 170 woningen bouwen in Wognum onder de naam Zomerbloesem'
Lees verder op: https://medemblikpraat.nl/projectontwikkelaars-h3-ooms-en-timpaan-willen-170-woningen-bouwen-in-wognum-onder-de-naam-zomerbloesem/
#h3 #nieuwbouw #ooms #projectontwikkelaars #timpaan #wongum #zomerbloesem
#zomerbloesem #wongum #timpaan #projectontwikkelaars #ooms #Nieuwbouw #h3
【#H3】2号機、衛星搭載せず リスク回避、早期打ち上げ目指す―文科省 https://gurizuri0505.halfmoon.jp/20230524/116522
#Payload mass to Low #Earth Orbit (#LEO), Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit, Trans #Lunar Injection and #Mars Transfer Orbit https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Space_Launchers.png
#Ariane #Falcon #Vulcan #Centaur #Starship. #LaunchCost for the latter two aren't known yet. #LVM3 (10t #LEO) 🇮🇳, #H3 (6,5 t #GTO) 🇯🇵 aren't shown
#payload #earth #Leo #lunar #Mars #Ariane #falcon #vulcan #Centaur #starship #launchcost #lvm3 #h3 #gto
Yang J, Zhang Y, Yang L, Li X, Bo H, Liu J, et al. #Evolution of #avian #influenza virus (#H3) with spillover into #humans, #China. Emerg Infect Dis. 2023 Jun [date cited]. https://doi.org/10.3201/eid2906.221786
#evolution #avian #influenza #h3 #humans #china
I had this thing happen in #proxmox where my VyOS router would kernel panic at least once a day. I rebooted it and it seemed to work.. Found out it was because i'm using an N6005 processor and #proxmox . Found the thread below that got rid of the issue.. at least so far. Couple of days no panic.
#homelab #selfhosted #proxmox #h3 #selfhosting #networking #vyos #network
#proxmox #homelab #selfhosted #h3 #selfhosting #networking #VyOS #network
🇯🇵 📆 April 1, 2023 #JAXA postponed the H-IIA launch until at least August because the #rocket shares many of the same components with the #H3 rocket that failed to launch in March https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Aerospace-Defense-Industries/Japan-delays-next-H-IIA-launch-grounding-all-space-rockets
Hexagonal spatial analytics in Elasticsearch
A nice blog post by my colleages Craig, Ignacio, and Nathan on technical details of #Elasticsearch implementation of #h3 grid, and how it is supported by #Kibana Take a look at the video at the end!!
360p vp9 + opus 03:52:16 で 620MB程
"【#H3】H3ロケット試験機1号機 打上失敗原因解説!その1 #りあライブ #Vtuber【#宇推くりあ】 - YouTube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkyqpFhSw80
アーカイブみとく 【#H3】H3ロケット試験機1号機 打上失敗原因解説!その1 #りあライブ #Vtuber【#宇推くりあ】
An anomaly in the power supply system was detected during Tuesday’s failed launch of Japan’s first flagship #H3 rocket, according to the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency: https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/science-nature/technology/20230310-96212/ - the space agency plans to further investigate whether this anomaly was the direct cause of the failure to ignite the engine.
RT @fuera_d_orbita@twitter.com
Hoy 🚀
.Cuando será el lanzamiento del #Terran1
.La @NASA@twitter.com lista para #ArtemisII
.La @aee_esp_@twitter.com entrará en vigor en junio
.@PLD_Space@twitter.com traslada a su Miura 1 al sitio de lanzamiento
.Qué ha pasado con el cohete japonés #H3
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/fuera_d_orbita/status/1634123002076962816
This news site says: "Japan's space agency says flight data analysis of the failed H3 rocket launch revealed that a device had abnormal voltage levels around the time the second-stage engine was supposed to ignite."
A new statement from JAXA. It doesn't really say much new.
The maiden launch of Japan's #H3 rocket took place today (in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RWCnKbysO0 a recording of the webcast) - and ended in total failure when the second stage would not ignite and it had to be destroyed, together with the very expensive Earth satellite on board; https://global.jaxa.jp/press/2023/03/20230307-1_e.html (in English; veeery short), https://www.jaxa.jp/press/2023/03/20230307-2_j.html (in Japanese; longer but no further insights), https://spacenews.com/japans-h3-rocket-launch-fails-after-second-stage-malfunction/, https://spaceflightnow.com/2023/03/07/japans-flagship-h3-rocket-fails-on-first-test-flight/, https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/3/7/japans-h3-rocket-fails-after-liftoff-in-blow-to-space-ambitions and https://apnews.com/article/japan-space-rocket-h3-failure-observation-satellite-dc137cb55bb4b72537508f1319989ce1