Unfortunately, that archive site is also CAGEMAFIA.
Drones are really bad. You might be surprised to learn that courtesy of #hCaptcha, CloudGlare helped train those #militaryDrones too.
> the dotCons still vy to say they care about #ethics. Sure, Google employees in #2018 'tried' to reject #AI training of military drones, claiming that "the camera could be switched for a gun"…
…then a year later we get #hCaptcha, an Eth/#CloudFlare/Amazon monstrosity.
Maybe the answer is not allowing these companies to #colonise us?
Maybe we ought share ways to reject bad tech? Something akin to this BigTech blocker and notifier (linux):
#ethics #ai #hCaptcha #colonise #tooBigTooExist
That's the story we've been mentioning on fediverse for years. We would point people to the fact that #hCaptcha rose to prominence about a year later in 2019.
We find it interesting that hCaptcha was asking people to identify boats, planes, trucks, buses, trains, and #protesters with umbrellas to repel #tearGas.
#hCaptcha #protesters #teargas #uav #uavs #killerrobots #dronewarfare #unaccoutable
#hCaptcha: "Please click on each image containing a musical instrument."
Me: "There are NO images containing musical instruments. There are only images containing eldritch abominations unconvincingly pretending to be trumpets."
So now I have to knowingly enter false input in order to prove that I'M human? What steaming pile of ordure is that?
I got locked out of discord!
fuck you.
someone should hack into your server and rm -rf / as root.
you just break websites!
I got locked out of discord!
fuck you.
someone should hack into your server and rm -rf / as root.
you just break websites!
Re last: I did talk to #HCaptcha back in Twitter times, trying to convince them that their cookie thing simply doesn't work as it requires setting a cookie each and every time I need a new login. I heard someone calling it HateCaptcha, that's what I'm doing now.
@simon @talon imho #hCaptcha - like #CloudFlare - should not exist in specific and their busoness model in general!
@talon I think #Captcha|s are ableist bs. as they fail to stop #bots and only act as wall against #disabled people...
Also which assholes put a #hCaptcha in their #Apps?
Pretty shure that might be actionable discrimination in some juristictions...
#NotLegalAdvice but #NameThemBlameThem usually helps!
#namethemblamethem #notlegaladvice #Apps #hCaptcha #disabled #bots #captcha
PSA: If Discord offers you to set a new nickname and you use a screen reader, better to do that on mobile. I just got the request on the desktop app, but after reading some horror stories of people getting stuck due to the #HCaptcha, even after solving multiple text answers which would either cause them to be locked out or forced to do an image captcha, I quit out of the app and tried doing the procedure on my phone which appeared to work for at least one person. The mobile app also asked me if I was human, but pressing confirm was enough to let me through.
@erion @michael Well said. I opened https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/25023 in the #Mastodon issue tracker. Looks like the plan is to *not* release #hCaptcha support. Better ideas needed!
#mastodon #hCaptcha #mastodev #mastometa #FediMeta #accessibility #a11y
I posted something before about #hcaptcha having #esperanto and someone commented that some of the balls (i was supposed to click on the basketballs) looked AI generated. Well...They were right. I was just asked to find the golfers amongst this garbage.
So yeah, your options are
a) perform free labor for one of the 5 richest companies
b) perform free labor training AI art
Developers: Please stop using these things. There are better techniques now, & forcing users to do free labor is BS.
@JosKleverWebSupport Did all of that.
I now have #hCaptcha installed. Much easier, avoids Google tracking, & works! 😄
darf ich noch 1x probieren wegen süß birte
#FlauschTheCurve #hamster #hCaptcha #Captcha
#captcha #hCaptcha #hamster #FlauschTheCurve