Just updating @homeassistant to the newest version to try out the new features like updated #climate #thermostat dialog and the new tile features.
Full release update infos:
#climate #thermostat #homeassistant #ha #update #release #design
Gizmodo: How The Dark Knight ARG Changed Immersive Entertainment https://gizmodo.com/dark-knight-arg-interview-immersive-gaming-batman-1850782310?utm_source=regular #jeromeandjeremiahvaleska #entertainmentculture #christophernolan #thedarkknight #jonathannolan #arkhamasylum #michaelborys #batmaninfilm #aaroneckhart #heathledger #harveydent #kevinflynn #gothamcity #jasontodd #alexlieu #redhood #disney #nolans #batman #joker #ha
#jeromeandjeremiahvaleska #entertainmentculture #christophernolan #thedarkknight #jonathannolan #arkhamasylum #michaelborys #batmaninfilm #aaroneckhart #heathledger #harveydent #kevinflynn #gothamcity #jasontodd #alexlieu #redhood #disney #nolans #batman #joker #ha
"Mit Tim #Walter herrscht endlich Kontinuität" Ex-Profi Matthias #Ostrzolek ist inzwischen Spielertrainer und Spielerberater. Wie emotional er auf seine Zeit beim #HSV zurückblickt.
The results are transferred from #TTN to my #HA @homeassistant instance thanks to #MQTT and #NodeRED !
Looking at my little home server cpu usage, #HomeAssistant stands out - installed as a vm (appliance).
Checking inside the VM I notice it's mostly #deconz that is adding to the cpu usage.
#homeassistant #deconz #ha #cpuusage
#Hå kl 20.26 brannvesenet rykker ut på melding om bil som har kjørt ut av veien.Odlandsvegen
Mannskaper i fra vigrestad stasjon rykker ut.
#Hå Innbrudd i bolighus på Nærbø, område Bø. Innbruddet har skjedd i løpet av natta. Politiet har vært på stedet. En terrassedør er brutt opp, det er rotet rundt i huset og alarmen er forsøkt ødelagt. Per nå ikke oversikt over hva som evt. er stjålet fra stedet. Sikret spor.Sak.
#Hå kl. 07.54 Trafikkulykke Nordsjøvegen. Én bil involvert. Ukjent skadeomfang. Nødetatene på vei til stedet.
#Hå kl 07:54 Melding om trafikkulykke, Nordsjøvegen i nærheten av Vigreskogen. Mannskap fra Nærbø stasjon rykker ut.
Update co do odkurzacza - zrootowany, #Valetudo wgrane dzisiaj w nocy. Testował całość bedę w niedzielę.
Sam proces faktycznie wygląda jak na stronie, wymaga tylko kilku kroków „przygotowawczych”.
Plan jest taki, żeby go podpiąć jeszcze do #homeassistant #ha po #mqtt i będę szczęśliwy
#valetudo #homeassistant #ha #mqtt #homelab
Necesito vuestra ayuda con #HomeAssistant y el acceso por https:// . Para configurar alexa en #HA me pide que sea https. Estoy atascado ya que no consigo pasar del error “400: Bad Request”. Tengo el puerto 80 y 443 abiertos ya que si los cierro no consigo ni el error mencionado. Tengo instalado Nginx Proxy Manager en HA para los certificados y redirecionar a la dirección http. El Host lo tengo con duckdns con el complemento de HA. Estado leyendo documentación y añadido a configuration.yaml las lineas que dicen para este error. A ver si me podeéis dar algo de luz. #Gracias #nginxproxymanager #400badrequest #https
#homeassistant #ha #gracias #nginxproxymanager #400badrequest #https
Eventually, over time our #Ha practice transforms into a new #Ri practice that does not resemble our #Shu forms. We can depart entirely from the original forms with the experience of mastering the #shu forms and fully grokking the value intended from them.
Scrum teams and organizations often move past Shu (and sometimes Ha) to avoid what feels like extra work and constraints that makes #theoryofconstraints practice. Scrum is not designed to remove pain, but to make it obvious.
#shuhari #scrum #ha #ri #shu #theoryofconstraints
Once we grok the value we are intended to obtain from the Scrum forms, we can modify to work better for us in Ha. ie: Holding a Scrum meeting every day causes more pain than value (having felt the real value of a daily scrum meeting, communicating clearly, and continuously completing sprint goals).
Too frequently we skip to #ha to remove the pain without knowing the value from our #shu practice.
Kleine Kunstwerke als kleine Geschenke - Kunst-Postkarte “Aquarell”
Du kannst sie in meinem Onlineshop kaufen: https://www.klunkerfisch.de/produkt/kunst-postkarte-aquarell-i
#kunst #kunstwerk #postkarte #kunstpostkarte #aquarell #mixedmedia #zeichnung #drawing #art #artwork #kritzeln #abstrakt #abstract #malerei #painting #gemälde #postcard #klunkerfisch #onlineshop #acryl #acrylicpainting #acrylmalen #unikat #ha
#ha #unikat #acrylmalen #acrylicpainting #acryl #onlineshop #Klunkerfisch #postcard #gemalde #painting #malerei #abstract #abstrakt #kritzeln #artwork #art #drawing #zeichnung #mixedmedia #aquarell #kunstpostkarte #postkarte #kunstwerk #kunst
#GianniCiolli talking about High Availability in #PostgreSQL (old and new) at #PGConfDE
#HA #HighAvailability #databases #openSource #postgres #conference #conferences
#gianniciolli #postgresql #pgconfde #ha #highavailability #databases #opensource #postgres #conference #conferences