"What does the recent Supreme Court case upholding the (ICWA) mean for Indian adoption law? Is adoption of Indian Children based on child welfare or Tribal interests? We will explore why this is a false distinction. And why is essential for preserving the tribes and their identity, and perhaps most importantly, their sovereignty."


#indianchildwelfareact #icwa #scotus #nativesovereignty #indigenoussovereignty #nativeamericans #nativechildren #haalandvsbrackeen

Last updated 1 year ago

Xo · @XoGloomnrainbows
275 followers · 336 posts · Server mstdn.social

Oral arguments for (the case ) will be at 9am central at this link supremecourt.gov/oral_argument

#ProtectICWA #ICWA #haalandvsbrackeen

Last updated 2 years ago