"What does the recent Supreme Court case upholding the #IndianChildWelfareAct (ICWA) mean for Indian adoption law? Is adoption of Indian Children based on child welfare or Tribal interests? We will explore why this is a false distinction. And why #ICWA is essential for preserving the tribes and their identity, and perhaps most importantly, their sovereignty."
#SCOTUS #NativeSovereignty #IndigenousSovereignty #NativeAmericans #NativeChildren #HaalandVsBrackeen
#indianchildwelfareact #icwa #scotus #nativesovereignty #indigenoussovereignty #nativeamericans #nativechildren #haalandvsbrackeen
Oral arguments for #HaalandvsBrackeen (the #icwa case #protecticwa) will be at 9am central at this link https://www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/live.aspx
#ProtectICWA #ICWA #haalandvsbrackeen