Wow! The high altitude weather balloon 🎈 launched by my friends in San Diego has an incredible number of ground stations receiving it!!mt=Mapnik&mz=7&qm=12h&mc=33.28462,-117.70752&f=KQ6RS-V2
#balloon #RS41 #hab #radiosonde #hamradio
The Villanova University ARC W3YP ground station is receiving telemetry 📡 from the KB3ZOX reflashed RS-41 radiosonde high altitude balloon 🎈 as it flies up the east coast.
A little email frequency coordination was needed to make sure everyone on 431.05 MHz!!mt=Mapnik&mz=7&qm=12h&mc=39.66491,-74.23462&f=KB3ZOX
#HAB #AmateurRadio #VUARC #HamRadio #RadioSonde #W3YP #balloon #KB3ZOX
#vuarc #kb3zox #balloon #w3yp #radiosonde #hamradio #amateurradio #hab
Ich möchte übrigens an dieser Stelle mal lobend erwähnen, dass die Herzog August Bibliothek #HAB in #Wolfenbüttel bei #Mastodon vertreten ist und hier auch aktiv postet.
Ein Kleinod in der Kulturwelt
I enjoyed doing this interview with Eric Guth, 4Z1UG/WA6IGR for his QSO Today podcast.
He got me talking about how I got started in amateur radio, how it influenced my career choices, my satellite work, my educational outreach using the AMSAT CubeSatSim, and high altitude balloon launches. He even asked about my standards work in the past with Session Initiation Protocol SIP!
#hamradio #KU2Y #AMSAT #CubeSat #CubeSatSim #SIP #HAB #radiosonde #QSOtoday
#QSOToday #radiosonde #hab #sip #cubesatsim #cubesat #amsat #ku2y #hamradio
That was an amazing high altitude weather balloon flights yesterday by the #Villanova University #CubeSat Club!
Here is the dashboard summary of the flight from
#hab #w3yp #cubesatsim #stem #amsat #radiosonde #sstv #aprs #cubesat #villanova
This is one of the GPS trackers on the balloon. 🎈It transmits on the standard #APRS frequency of 144.39 MHz into a twin lead J-pole antenna. The Raspberry Pi Pico reads the BME280 (temperature, pressure, humidity, altitude) and MPU6050 (gyro and accelerometer) sensors. The transmitter is an SR_FRS_0V5 FM module that transmits 500 mW. The PCB is a #CubeSatSim Beta V2 board. The GPS is a LC76G with a dipole antenna.
#w3yp #raspberrypi #radiosonde #stem #amsat #hab #cubesatsim #aprs
Predictions for Wednesday’s high altitude balloon launch by Villanova students looks great! This is from
#HAB #radiosonde #AMSAT #STEM #hamr #CubeSatSim
I’ll post about the amateur radio and tracker payloads tomorrow.
#cubesatsim #hamr #stem #amsat #radiosonde #hab
@ku2y I expect that which ever ham balloonist lost their kit to NORAD said the same thing ... :-)
I'm not into the whole balloon scene (as fun as it seems!) but every launch I've seen promoted has always mentioned the FAA notifications. I'd be surprised if the one(s) shot down *didn't* file. But I'm sure the owner is still in an Undisclosed Location - I would be!
#Villanova University students will be launching two high altitude balloons Wednesday May 3 around midday. We will have #APRS & GPS trackers, live #SSTV images, & a #radiosonde! #AMSAT #STEM #CubeSatSim #W3YP #HAB
I will post links to the trackers here so anyone can follow along. If you are a ham or have an SDR or scanner in the Philadelphia/New Jersey area, I’ll post the frequencies so you can listen.
Wish us luck! 🎈📡👍🏻😁
#hab #w3yp #cubesatsim #stem #amsat #radiosonde #sstv #aprs #villanova
人気ゲームと加賀友禅がコラボ 声優の大原さやかさんが加賀友禅特使に就任
#HAB #Vlog #voiceactress #アプリ #ゲーム #コラボ #スマートフォン #ニュース #人気ゲームと加賀友禅がコラボ #加賀友禅 #北陸朝日放送 #声優 #声優の大原さやかさんが加賀友禅特使に就任 #大原さやか #女性声優 #石川県
#hab #vlog #voiceactress #アプリ #ゲーム #コラボ #スマートフォン #ニュース #人気ゲームと加賀友禅がコラボ #加賀友禅 #北陸朝日放送 #声優 #声優の大原さやかさんが加賀友禅特使に就任 #大原さやか #女性声優 #石川県
New research sheds light on how harmful #algal species use #nitric oxide to #grow.
#HAB #nitrate_reductase #Heterosigma #NO
#algal #nitric #grow #hab #nitrate_reductase #heterosigma #no
Congrats to #USFCMS student Christina Chadwick on an excellent Master’s defense today! #ocean #oceanography #phytoplankton #HAB #ProudMentor
#usfcms #ocean #oceanography #phytoplankton #hab #proudmentor
FOSDEM Sees Surprise Pico Balloon Event #highaltitudeballoon #amateurradio #picoballoon #RadioHacks #balloon #FOSDEM #rp2040 #tinygo #HAB
#highaltitudeballoon #amateurradio #picoballoon #RadioHacks #balloon #fosdem #rp2040 #tinygo #hab
FOSDEM Sees Surprise Pico Balloon Event - At any vaguely-related conferences, groups of hackers sometimes come together to c... - #highaltitudeballoon #amateurradio #picoballoon #radiohacks #balloon #fosdem #rp2040 #tinygo #hab
#hab #tinygo #rp2040 #fosdem #balloon #radiohacks #picoballoon #amateurradio #highaltitudeballoon
Answering Some Pico Balloon Questions #CurrentEvents #picoballoon #balloon #HAB
#CurrentEvents #picoballoon #balloon #hab
Hackaday Links: February 19, 2023 #highaltitudeballoon #HackadayColumns #Hackadaylinks #hackadaylinks #amateurradio #billhammack #EngineerGuy #waterheater #sidewinder #microsoft #chatbot #Slider #AIM-9X #BingAI #Sydney #APRS #wspr #HAB
#highaltitudeballoon #HackadayColumns #Hackadaylinks #amateurradio #billhammack #engineerguy #waterheater #sidewinder #microsoft #chatbot #slider #aim #bingai #sydney #aprs #wspr #hab
Hackaday Links: February 19, 2023 - For years, Microsoft’s modus operandi was summed up succinctly as, “Extend and enh... - #highaltitudeballoon #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #amateurradio #billhammack #engineerguy #waterheater #sidewinder #microsoft #chatbot #slider #aim-9x #bingai #sydney #aprs #wspr #hab
#hab #wspr #aprs #sydney #bingai #aim #slider #chatbot #microsoft #sidewinder #waterheater #engineerguy #billhammack #amateurradio #hackadaylinks #hackadaycolumns #highaltitudeballoon
The USAF (Almost) Declares War on Illinois Radio Amateurs #picoballoon #RadioHacks #balloon #News #wspr #HAB
#picoballoon #RadioHacks #balloon #News #wspr #hab
The USAF (Almost) Declares War on Illinois Radio Amateurs - Every week the Hackaday editors gather online to discuss the tech stories of the m... - #picoballoon #radiohacks #balloon #news #wspr #hab
#hab #wspr #news #balloon #radiohacks #picoballoon
Hackaday Links: February 5, 2023 #highaltitudeballoon #sensorydeprivation #Facebookmessenger #smartphonebattery #HackadayColumns #negativetesting #Chineseballoon #Hackadaylinks #hackadaylinks #acronym #lithium #Slider #hybrid #toyota #meta #HAB #ev
#highaltitudeballoon #sensorydeprivation #facebookmessenger #smartphonebattery #HackadayColumns #negativetesting #chineseballoon #Hackadaylinks #acronym #lithium #slider #hybrid #toyota #meta #hab #ev