These tiny creatures are losing their battle to survive.
The Rufous hummingbird lost two-thirds of its population since 1970, according to the 2022 State of the Birds report.
These tiny creatures are one of 70 bird species on the “Tipping Point” list that will lose another fifty percent of their populations in the same time frame if conservation doesn’t improve.
#Birds #Hummingbird #Colonization #HabitatLoss #ExtinctionEvents
#birds #hummingbird #colonization #habitatloss #extinctionevents
#regulatorycapture: #CohoSalmon devastated since the mid-20th century by a combination of human #development, #damming, #habitatloss and #changingclimate and #ocean conditions. #TribalNations from CA and WA submitted a #petition through the #Earthjustice environmental group calling on the #EPA to prohibit the production of #6PPD.
#AB756 #RemoveRoads #BigAgro ##CleanWaterAct
#regulatorycapture #cohosalmon #development #damming #habitatloss #changingclimate #ocean #tribalnations #petition #EarthJustice #EPA #6PPD #ab756 #removeroads #bigagro #CleanWaterAct
Wild lions have disappeared from 90% of their historical habitat in Africa. A study mapped the current and potential distribution of lions across the continent and found that they only occupy 8% of their original range. The habitat loss is mainly due to human activities, such as agriculture, livestock, hunting, and development. #LionConservation #HabitatLoss #Africa
#lionconservation #habitatloss #africa
I’m sharing my polar bear habitat thermochromic Lino block print to talk about a warming world: water and climate today for the: Water Docs ARTivism Challenge. Check out my reel to see the print in action!
One of the ways water plays an intimate role in climate is as ice in the polar ice caps, a huge fresh water reservoir, and the way its whiteness reflects solar radiation.
🧵 1/n
#linocut #printmaking #sciart #climateScience #habitatLoss #mapArt #polarBear #MastoArt
#linocut #printmaking #sciart #climatescience #habitatloss #mapart #polarbear #mastoart
Gouldian Finch habitat bulldozed for Defence housing?
#environment #ThreatenedSpecies #HabitatLoss #Birds #SacredLand
#environment #threatenedspecies #habitatloss #birds #sacredland
The alarming decline of Earth’s forests, in 4 charts
#climate #ecology #habitatLoss
#climate #ecology #habitatloss
Marine Mammal Conservation & How Activists Saved the Dolphins #RestoringEcosystems #endangeredspecies #ageofextinction #protectedareas #Biodiversity #Conservation #davephillips #habitatloss #oceans
#oceans #habitatloss #davephillips #conservation #biodiversity #ProtectedAreas #ageofextinction #endangeredspecies #RestoringEcosystems
A heads up about declines in bird populations - the culprit is suitable habitat loss, both due to humans removing habitable areas, but also climate change. What can you do? Establish native plants rather than have lots of grass in your yard!
#birds #habitatloss #climatechange #nativeplants
"More than 800 million trees have been cut down in the #Amazon #rainforest in just six years to feed the world’s appetite for Brazilian #beef, according to a new investigation, despite dire warnings about the forest’s importance in fighting the #climate crisis.
A data-driven investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ), the Guardian, Repórter Brasil and Forbidden Stories shows systematic and vast forest loss linked to cattle farming.
The beef industry in #Brazil has consistently pledged to avoid farms linked to deforestation. However, the data suggests that 1.7m hectares (4.2m acres) of the Amazon was destroyed near meat plants exporting beef around the world."
#Amazon #Rainforest #Climate #ClimateCrisis #HabitatLoss #HabitatDestruction #Habitat #Brazil #Agriculture #AgriculturalIndustry #Forest #Ecosystems
#amazon #rainforest #beef #climate #brazil #ClimateCrisis #habitatloss #habitatdestruction #habitat #agriculture #agriculturalindustry #forest #ecosystems
Almost 400 species discovered in #GreaterMekong region.
Two hundred and ninety plants, 20 fishes, 24 amphibians, 46 reptiles and one mammal were among newly discovered in one of Asia’s #biodiversity hotspots in 2021 and 2022. Many are already under threat of #extinction from #HabitatLoss, #deforestation and the #IllegalWilldlifeTrade. #WWF is calling on governments to increase protection for these rare species and to commit to halting and reversing #NatureLoss
#NatureLoss #wwf #illegalwilldlifetrade #deforestation #habitatloss #extinction #biodiversity #greatermekong
"A wake-up call’: total weight of wild mammals less than 10% of humanity’s - From elephants to tigers, study reveals scale of damage to wildlife caused by transformation of wildernesses and human activity"
"The total weight of Earth’s wild land mammals – from elephants to bisons and from deer to tigers – is now less than 10% of the combined tonnage of men, women and children living on the planet.
A study by scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science, published this month, concludes that wild land mammals alive today have a total mass of 22m tonnes. By comparison, humanity now weighs in at a total of around 390m tonnes.
At the same time, the species we have domesticated, such as sheep and cattle, in addition to other hangers-on such as urban rodents, add a further 630m tonnes to the total mass of creatures that are now competing with wild mammals for Earth’s resources. The biomass of pigs alone is nearly double that of all wild land mammals."
#Species #SpeciesExtinction #Biodiversity #Habitat #HabitatLoss #HabitatDestruction #Humans #DomesticAnimals #Earth #Biosphere #Mammals #LandMammals #Wildlife
#species #speciesextinction #biodiversity #habitat #habitatloss #habitatdestruction #humans #domesticanimals #earth #biosphere #mammals #landmammals #wildlife
Happy World #Frog Day! 🐸🌍
Let's take a moment to appreciate these amazing #amphibians and the vital role they play in our ecosystem.
Unfortunately, many frog species are facing threats such as #habitatloss, #pollution, and #climatechange.
💚 Every August, some communities in the Kathmandu valley in Nepal feed rice to frogs and worship them.
🏙️ But rapid #urbanisation in the nation's capital is proving detrimental to Nepal's frog population.
Read more:
#frog #amphibians #habitatloss #pollution #climatechange #urbanisation #worldfrogday
In #BritishColumbia & want to volunteer as a butterfly counter in your area? Volunteer counters are needed all across BC.
This year, #volunteers will also be tasked with #documenting #NativePlants on which #butterflies feed and lay eggs. This will help the #project gain better #insight into these #interspecies relationships.
BCbutterflies are #threatened by #pesticides , #ClimateChange & #HabitatLoss .
To volunteer please contact Winnie Hwo at or 778-866-6371
#britishcolumbia #volunteers #documenting #nativeplants #butterflies #project #insight #interspecies #threatened #pesticides #climatechange #habitatloss
"Sir David Attenborough has warned that “nature is in crisis” as he urged people to unite behind action to save it.
The natural historian, who has presented programmes including Planet Earth and The Blue Planet, spoke out as the charities RSPB Scotland and WWF Scotland launched a joint initiative aimed at halting the destruction of nature across the UK.
“The truth is, every one of us, no matter who we are or where we live, can and must play a part in restoring nature,” he said. “It’s easy to feel overwhelmed or powerless by the scale of the issues facing our planet, but we have the solutions.
The campaign highlights rapid declines in native wild species, with figures showing that in Scotland almost half (49%) of bird species have declined in numbers since 1994, and one in nine species are now threatened with extinction."
#Biodiversity #HabitatLoss #SpeciesExtinction #UK #Scotland #WWF #Attenborough #DavidAttenborough
#biodiversity #habitatloss #speciesextinction #uk #Scotland #wwf #attenborough #davidattenborough
"Scientists warn of ‘phosphogeddon’ as critical fertiliser shortages loom
Excessive use of phosphorus is depleting reserves vital to global food production, while also adding to the climate crisis"
but the most worrying part of this story should be this:
"They say we have become profligate in the use of phosphates we put on our fields. Fertiliser washed from them – and discharges of phosphorus-rich effluent – have triggered large-scale contamination of water and created harmful algal blooms. Some of the world’s biggest bodies of freshwater are now afflicted, including Russia’s Lake Baikal, Lake Victoria in Africa and North America’s Lake Erie. Blooms at Erie have led to poisoning of local drinking water in recent years.
Just as they do on land, phosphates help aquatic plants to grow,” said Haygarth, who is the co-author of Phosphorus: Past and Future. “And that is now having calamitous consequences in rivers, lakes and seas.”Choked by blooms, many of these bodies of water have become dead zones, where few creatures survive and which are expanding. One dead zone now forms in the Gulf of Mexico every summer, for example.
Such crises also create other environmental problems. “Climate change means we will get more algal blooms per unit of phosphate pollution because of the warmer conditions,” said Prof Bryan Spears of the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology in Midlothian. more
“The problem is that when that algae dies, it can decay to produce methane. So a rise in blooms will mean more methane will be pumped into the atmosphere – and methane is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide at warming the atmosphere. It is a cause for real concern.”
#Climate #ClimateCrisis #Phosphorous #Pollution #Methane #Algae #AlgalBloom #HabitatLoss #HabitatDestruction
#climate #ClimateCrisis #phosphorous #pollution #methane #algae #algalbloom #habitatloss #habitatdestruction
If the concern is the reaction from right wing nut jobs, by pointing out the complete loss of the environment, due to their unmitigated idiocy of development at all costs, then the BBC needs to consider what its objectives really are.
#ClimateCrisis #Environment #HabitatLoss
BBC will not broadcast Attenborough episode over fear of ‘rightwing backlash’
#climatecrisis #environment #habitatloss
And here is a Guardian article with more info, including the fact that the BBC cancelled the airing of an episode of a David Attenborough wildlife programme which talks about habitat and species loss (it’ll now only be available on iPlayer).
#Fascism #CultureWars #speciesLoss #habitatLoss #wildlife #football
#fascism #culturewars #speciesloss #habitatloss #wildlife #football
The #BBC will not broadcast an episode of #DavidAttenbourgh's new series for "fears of a right wing backlash" over #ClinateChange. The sixth episode looks at the loss of and the decline of habitat, although it will be available on #BBCIPlayer (for now). Producer says "it's not political, it's about the facts".
#Nature #Environment #Rivers #TorySewageParty #HabitatLoss #Wildlife
#wildlife #habitatloss #TorySewageParty #rivers #environment #nature #bbciplayer #clinatechange #davidattenbourgh #bbc
“The way the villagers cut down trees, in patches that look like Swiss cheese from above, created edges of #disturbedforest where humans and infected animals could collide. Rats and bats, with their histories of seeding #plagues, are the species most likely to adapt to #deforestation. And researchers have found that some bats stressed out by #habitatloss later shed more virus.”
#disturbedforest #plagues #deforestation #habitatloss
My 2014 book "Goddess Liberated - feminine love & empowerment in a post-patriarchal world" is available to borrow and read for free from the Open Library (links below). I just discovered this today, quite by accident. You could also buy it on Amazon, but please don't - Bezos does not need one more cent. Please enjoy reading my book for free!
Open Library -
Internet Archive -
#Patriarchy #Capitalism #Feminism #Climate #ClimateCrisis #Philosophy #NonFiction #Nature #NatureSpirits #Earth #HabitatLoss #Literature #AmReading
#patriarchy #capitalism #feminism #climate #ClimateCrisis #philosophy #nonfiction #nature #naturespirits #earth #habitatloss #Literature #amreading