#habittracker #マストドン手書き部 #じゃぱねっと手書き部
#habittracker #マストドン手書き部 #じゃぱねっと手書き部
わがままで自由で甘えて生活してるってわかる、今月の #habittracker
#マストドン手書き部 #じゃぱねっと手書き部
#habittracker #マストドン手書き部 #じゃぱねっと手書き部
#じゃぱねっと手書き部 #habitstacking #habittracker #ハビットトラッカー
#じゃぱねっと手書き部 #habitstacking #habittracker #ハビットトラッカー
Free February Moon Tracker
It has been a while but I'm just back from my vacation in India. I haven't had time to update my website during that time because it was so much to take in. But I did make a new moon tracker for february that is inspired by the artistic patterns of the mughal era. You can download it for free on my website:
#Freebies #Illustration #art #freebie #moontracker #tracker #mughal #MastoArt #habittracker
#freebies #illustration #art #freebie #moontracker #tracker #mughal #MastoArt #habittracker
#HabitTrackers are dual edged swords. If you are a glass half empty kind of person, seeing an unticked box can have spiraling mental health repercussions. I've adjusted my tracking procedure where I just put a dot next to the item on my tracking list rather than have a box for each day. That way, I can look at the previous week and think "Hey, I worked out four times, awesome!" instead of "I missed three days of exercise." Positive over negative.
#habittrackers #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #habittracker
What's a good habit tracker on iPhone? I don't have iPhone myself, but my wife does.
#habit #habittracker #atomichabits #iphone
I really recommend #booklyapp for creating reading habits. It has a ton of cool features that allows you to reflect and gather notes on books while also compiling metrics/tracking goals!
#reading #2023Reading #habit #readinggoals #books #2023goals #readingforpleasure #habittracker
#booklyapp #reading #2023reading #habit #readinggoals #books #2023goals #readingforpleasure #habittracker
Hi, Productivity folks! Do you use a habit tracker? If so, I need your help!
I'm designing some habit trackers as add-ons for forthcoming #Kickstarter and want to know what
#planner #TheHappyPlanner #HabitTracker #planners #trackers #habits #Productivity #HelpNeeded
#helpneeded #productivity #habits #trackers #planners #habittracker #thehappyplanner #planner #kickstarter
Grazie ad un vostro interessante post sul nostro subreddit abbiamo creato un articolo dedicato alle alternative open source per tracciare abitudini e attività personali!
🔗 https://www.lealternative.net/2020/11/05/tracciare-abitudini-e-attivita-personali/
#alternative #nomie #habittracker #abitudini #opensource
Here's a very mom-tier notebook page prepped for next month while I get my brain back in order. Just a teeny little habit tracker and a partridge pea (cute lil legume that blooms around here in September)
#leuchtturm #bujo #bulletjournaling #habittracker