#Second #Chance bill could free older, nonviolent prisoners serving life sentences in #Alabama
> The Second Chance Bill would provide a mechanism for judges to review sentences for those over 50 serving life without parole under the #Habitual #Felony #Offender #Act.
#second #chance #alabama #habitual #felony #offender #act
#Alabama's #Second #Chance bill #HB229 sponsored by rep #ChrisEngland
> Currently, 25% of people incarcerated in Alabama’s prisons are age 50 or older and there are close to 220 individuals serving #LWOP life without parole sentences under the #Habitual #Felony #Offender Act for crimes that resulted in no physical injury.
#alabama #second #chance #hb229 #chrisengland #lwop #habitual #felony #offender #appleseed
#habitual : formed or acquired by habit or use
- French: Habituel
- German: notorisch
- Italian: abituale
- Portuguese: habitual
- Spanish: habitual
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form