⛈️ 🤩 🌪️
Pour les amateurs de #ciel d' #orage , de belles #photo en #timelapse : Mike Olbinsky vient de publier le 5e opus de VORTICITY
On y retrouve tout son talent pour mettre en image les turbulences, les tourbillonnement, les ascendances des orages des grandes plaines américaines avec des phénomènes rares en Europe : #tornade et #haboob (c'est beau, mais je leur laisse 😏 ).
Et les classiques : #supercellule , #foudre, #arcus et #mammatus
#ciel #orage #photo #timelapse #tornade #haboob #supercellule #foudre #arcus #mammatus #meteo #photographie
I noticed a dust cloud peeking up beyond the nearby mountain earlier and was able to catch it rolling in as it got a bit closer.
#weather #nmwx #newmexico #dust #haboob
I noticed a dust cloud peeking up beyond the nearby mountain earlier and was able to catch it rolling in as it got a bit closer.
#weather #nmwx #newmexico #dust #haboob
I noticed a dust cloud peeking up past the mountains and was able to catch it rolling in when it got closer.
It’s starting to clear up now but it was apocalyptically brown out there for about 15 minutes.
#weather #nmwx #newmexico #dust #haboob
Oh look, it's a #haboob in #Phoenix. National Weather Service: DUST STORM WARNING for this area until 9:45 PM MST. Be ready for sudden drop to zero visibility. Pull Aside, Stay Alive! When visibility drops, pull far off the road and put your vehicle in park. Turn the lights off and keep your foot off the brake. Infants, the elderly and those with respiratory issues urged to take precautions. Source: NWS Phoenix AZ #AZwx #DustStorm #windy
#azwx #duststorm #windy #haboob #phoenix
A cold front moving across #WestTexas caused this dramatic #haboob.
Posted by Anthony Franze @AnthonyFranzeWX
#TXwx #Texas #dust
Pictures by Hunter Swerdloff, Howard County, Texas
#westtexas #haboob #txwx #texas #dust
RT @Weather_West@twitter.com
Inbound #haboob (dust storm) along very intense #Arctic cold front as viewed from @NCAR_Science@twitter.com Mesa Lab in Boulder. #cowx
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Weather_West/status/1605707946490441729
RT @MeteoNewsAG
Eindrückliche Zeitraffer-Aufnahme eines Sandsturms (#Haboob) im US-Bundesstaat Kansas. In der sogenannten Dryline (Grenze zwischen feuchten und trockenen Luftmassen) wurden Windböen von teils über 100 km/h gemessen. (me) https://twitter.com/brandon_rtwx/status/1598792099008479232