Our #TEI #edition #data is now available as a remedy of last week’s #GAMS outage after #hack of #UniGraz.
It took a while (git lfs and git filter-repo, repo cleanup and housekeeping), but only now anyone can access the whole bunch of #diplomacy sources of #HabsburgEmpire #OttomanEmpire relations:
Data dump of all TEI documents previously published on https://qhod.net is now at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7648909. Enjoy!
#tei #edition #data #gams #Hack #unigraz #diplomacy #habsburgempire #ottomanempire
Short #introduction #neuhier:
While we'll remain active on https://twitter.com/QhoD_IHB for reasons of reach, the QhoD project will occasionally toot here with news on our #TEI #digitaledition of sources of #EarlyModern #diplomatic exchange between the #OttomanEmpire and the #HabsburgEmpire.
#introduction #neuhier #tei #DigitalEdition #earlymodern #diplomatic #ottomanempire #habsburgempire