Thanks to @davedarko my #hackadayberlin badge is now tested positive for awesome!
For those that couldn't make it to #HackadayBerlin Elliot Williams goes over some of the event's highlights.
Hackaday Berlin was Bonkers #HackadayColumns #HackadayBerlin #photos #wrapup #talks #cons #News
#HackadayColumns #hackadayberlin #photos #wrapup #talks #cons #News
Hackaday Berlin was Bonkers - In celebration of the tenth running of the Hackaday Prize, we had a fantastic week... - #hackadaycolumns #hackadayberlin #photos #wrapup #talks #cons #news
#news #cons #talks #wrapup #photos #hackadayberlin #hackadaycolumns
Thank you everyone at #hackadayberlin for a great experience. We have to do this more often! Thank you to the organizers who worked hard to make it all happen, and thank you to the participants who made it all great. It was great to finally put the faces to the nicks. There are now at least ten more #fluffbug robots out there in the wild, and soon maybe more, with all the people interested in building them. And I have lots of inspiration for new stuff.
Only captured a few videos of my cylinder at #hackadayberlin , it was such a great event! Thanks for making it possible!
So yesterday, despite concern about the number of people and the risk that brings I made it to #hackADayBerlin and about 3/4 through the day I suddenly felt extremely drained, headachey and unstable. I came home and got into bed at 6pm, I'm still there now but feeling slightly better (still massive headache) yesterday's covid test was clear, I'm gonna do one daily until I feel okay again. Thing is, I don't think effects would hit in 6 hrs so I probably caught whatever this is somewhere else.
Thanks to all #hackadayberlin attendees for voting for Retro Alien Light Feature aka R.A.L.F (now with extra blinky!)
Thanks to all #hackadayberlin attendees for voting for Retro Alien Light Feature aka R.A.L.F (now with extra blinky!)
Hacking the blinkenlights at the awesome #hackadayberlin #hackadayberlin2023
#hackadayberlin #hackadayberlin2023
Der #HackadayBerlin Badge ist soo ein abgefahrenes Rabbithole:
feat. 4 Bit Processor mit LEDs und Switches für #Opcode & Operanten
Hackaday Berlin: Final Schedule, Last Call for Tickets, and More #HackadayBerlin2023 #HackadayBerlin #lightningtalks #BringAHack #cons #News
#hackadayberlin2023 #hackadayberlin #lightningtalks #bringahack #cons #News
Hackaday Berlin: The Badge, Workshops, and Lightning Talks #HackadayBerlin2023 #HackadayColumns #HackadayBerlin #cons
#hackadayberlin2023 #HackadayColumns #hackadayberlin #cons
Hackaday Berlin: The Badge, Workshops, and Lightning Talks - Hackaday Berlin is just under two weeks away, and we’ve got news times three! If y... - #hackadayberlin2023 #hackadaycolumns #hackadayberlin #cons
#cons #hackadayberlin #hackadaycolumns #hackadayberlin2023
Hackaday Berlin: First Round of Talks #HackadayBerlin2023 #HackadayColumns #HackadayBerlin #berlin #talks #cons #News
#hackadayberlin2023 #HackadayColumns #hackadayberlin #berlin #talks #cons #News
Hackaday Berlin: First Round of Talks - We’re super excited to announce the first round of speakers for Hackaday Berlin! ... - #hackadayberlin2023 #hackadaycolumns #hackadayberlin #berlin #talks #cons #news
#news #cons #talks #berlin #hackadayberlin #hackadaycolumns #hackadayberlin2023