Cheap LCD Uses USB Serial - Browsing the Asian marketplaces online is always an experience. Sometimes, you see... - #microcontrollers #hackadaycolumns #teardown #python #ch552 #lcd
#lcd #ch552 #python #teardown #hackadaycolumns #microcontrollers
Agreeing by Disagreeing - While we were working on the podcast this week, Al Williams and I got into a debat... - #hackadaycolumns #toolhacks #rants
#rants #toolhacks #hackadaycolumns
Hackaday Podcast 235: Licorice for Lasers, Manual Motors, and Reading Resistors - Name one other podcast where you can hear about heavy 3D-printed drones, DIY semic... - #hackadaycolumns #podcasts #podcast
#podcast #podcasts #hackadaycolumns
2023 Cyberdeck Challenge: The Best Decks on the Net - It was an easy decision to run a Cyberdeck Challenge in 2023 — after all, it was f... - #2023cyberdeckchallenge #hackadaycolumns #cyberdecks #contests
#contests #cyberdecks #hackadaycolumns #2023cyberdeckchallenge
Road Salt? Bah! New Roadway Material Promises A Better Solution to Snow And Ice - If you’ve ever lived somewhere it gets properly cold, you’ll know that winter’s ic... - #hackadaycolumns #greenhacks #roadsalt #science #roadway #road
#road #roadway #science #roadsalt #greenhacks #hackadaycolumns
Jenny’s Daily Drivers: Raspberry Pi Desktop - One of the more exciting prospects upon receiving one of the earliest Raspberry Pi... - #raspberrypidesktop #hackadaycolumns #operatingsystem #computerhacks #softwarehacks #raspberrypi
#raspberrypi #softwarehacks #computerhacks #operatingsystem #hackadaycolumns #raspberrypidesktop
Hackaday Links: September 3, 2023 - Right-to-repair has been a hot-button topic lately, with everyone from consumers t... - #emergencyalertsystem #worldrobotconference #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #righttorepair #construction #orbitaldrag #scientology #wastewater #cubesat #deorbit #e-meter #slider #kapton #sewer #dcma #fema #eas #fcc #wea
#wea #fcc #eas #fema #dcma #sewer #kapton #slider #e #deorbit #cubesat #wastewater #scientology #orbitaldrag #construction #righttorepair #hackadaylinks #hackadaycolumns #worldrobotconference #emergencyalertsystem
Hackaday Prize 2023: Gen5X A Generatively Designed 5-Axis 3D Printer - [Ric Real] is entering the 2023 Hackaday Prize with the Gen5X, a generatively desi... - #thehackadayprize #generativedesign #parametricdesign #hackadaycolumns #3dprinterhacks #3dprinted #5-axis
#3dprinted #3dprinterhacks #hackadaycolumns #parametricdesign #generativedesign #thehackadayprize
TT-RSS - To Give Is Better Than To Receive
#rss #hackadaycolumns #hackerculture #knowledge #sharing #rants #talks #cons
#rss #hackadaycolumns #hackerculture #knowledge #sharing #rants #talks #cons
To Give Is Better Than To Receive - Better to give a talk at a hacker event, that is. Or in your hackerspace, or even ... - #hackadaycolumns #hackerculture #knowledge #sharing #rants #talks #cons
#cons #talks #rants #sharing #knowledge #hackerculture #hackadaycolumns
Hackaday Podcast 234: Machines on Fire, Old Kinect New Kinect, and Birth of the Breadboard - It might sound like a joke, but this week, Elliot Williams and Tom Nardi start thi... - #hackadaycolumns #podcasts #podcast
#podcast #podcasts #hackadaycolumns
Logic Analyzers: Tapping Into Raspberry Pi Secrets - Today, I’d like to highlight a tool that brings your hacking skills to a whole new... - #hackadaycolumns #logicanalyser #logicanalyzer #raspberrypi #pulseview #sigrok
#sigrok #pulseview #raspberrypi #logicanalyzer #logicanalyser #hackadaycolumns
Retro Gadgets: The 1974 Breadboard Project - It is hard to imagine experimenting with electronics without the ubiquitous solder... - #hackadaycolumns #breadboards #teardown
#teardown #breadboards #hackadaycolumns
Hackaday Links: August 27, 2023 - We mentioned last week how robotaxi provider Cruise was having a no-good, very bad... - #autonomousvehicle #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #transmitter #whitenoise #hackathon #robotaxi #wildfire #amradio #spotify #welding #slider #cruise #hazard #safety #tvcog #maui
#maui #tvcog #safety #hazard #cruise #slider #welding #spotify #amradio #wildfire #robotaxi #hackathon #whitenoise #transmitter #hackadaylinks #hackadaycolumns #autonomousvehicle
Hackaday Prize 2023: Jumperless, The Jumperless Jumperboard - Jumperless is a jumperless breadboard with multicolored LED visualization of signa... - #solderlessbreadboard #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #hackadaycolumns #raspberrypipico #jumperboard #toolhacks #ch446q #python #kicad #wokwi #led
#led #wokwi #kicad #python #ch446q #toolhacks #jumperboard #raspberrypipico #hackadaycolumns #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize #solderlessbreadboard
Hackaday Podcast 233: Chandrayaan on the Moon, Cyberdecks, Hackerspaces Born at a German Computer Camp - This week, Editor-in-Chief Elliot Williams and Kristina Panos experimented with th... - #hackadaycolumns #podcasts #podcast
#podcast #podcasts #hackadaycolumns
Hackaday Prize 2023: Ubo project: building for builders - The Ubo Pod by [Mehrdad Majzoobi] is a very highly polished extension pack and enc... - #thehackadayprize #hackadaycolumns #amazonechodot #resinprinting #raspberrypi #googlehome #woodveneer #custompcb #led
#led #custompcb #woodveneer #googlehome #raspberrypi #resinprinting #amazonechodot #hackadaycolumns #thehackadayprize
Smart Garbage Trucks Help With Street Maintenance - If you’ve ever had trouble with a footpath, bus stop, or other piece of urban infr... - #hackadaycolumns #computervision #urbanplanning #surveillance #originalart #monitoring #cities #news #ai
#ai #news #cities #monitoring #originalart #surveillance #urbanplanning #computervision #hackadaycolumns
Hackaday Links: August 20, 2023 - In some ways, we’ve become a little jaded when it comes to news from Mars, which a... - #coronalmassejection #shouldhaveuseda555 #hackadaycolumns #hackadaylinks #sanfrancisco #self-driving #helicopter #navigation #bombscare #ingenuity #robotaxi #exploit #slider #defcon #escape #ansi #mars #cme #imu
#imu #cme #mars #ansi #escape #defcon #slider #exploit #robotaxi #ingenuity #bombscare #navigation #helicopter #self #sanfrancisco #hackadaylinks #hackadaycolumns #shouldhaveuseda555 #coronalmassejection
Hackaday Podcast: Ep 232 Chaos Communications Camp Placeholder Edition - Editor-in-Chief Elliot Williams is off at Chaos Communications Camp, and Assistant... - #hackadaycolumns #news