This landmark report provides further evidence that independent, accountable media outlets are the future of UK media - in fact, in many ways they are already more important than the mainstream, quietly providing thousands with the quality reporting they deserve.
#knowthemedia #hackedoff #leveson #independentmedia
The S*n & Meghan Markle | #HackedOff Incandescent with rage about Clarkson's bigotry? Don't complain to IPSO, they're useless. Sign this letter please. Thank you. #press #media #newspaper #dontbuythesun #misogyny #activism
#hackedoff #press #media #newspaper #dontbuythesun #misogyny #activism
Hugh Grant speaking the truth about the utter disregard of the UK press to truth and quality journalism
"There was an amazing moment in 2018 when Bellingcat was able to reveal the name of one of the suspects in the Salisbury positioning, and on the same day, the Mail Online, their great piece of investigative journalism was tha Meghan Markal now liked to shut the car door herself "
#osint #freepress #bellingcat #hughgrant #hackedoff #levesoninquiry #chrisbryant