📬 Administrator des Hackerforums Antichat an Krebs gestorben
#Cyberangriffe #DarkCommerce #Szene #antichat #antichatclub #antichatcom #BigBear #Egorych #HackerForum https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/cyberangriff/administrator-des-hackerforums-antichat-an-krebs-gestorben-280141.html
#cyberangriffe #DarkCommerce #szene #antichat #antichatclub #antichatcom #bigbear #egorych #hackerforum
📬 Discord.io geschlossen, Daten von 760.000 Usern verkauft
#Cyberangriffe #ITSicherheit #Szene #breachforumsis #Discord #DiscordID #discordio #Hackerforum #Telegram https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/cyberangriff/discord-io-geschlossen-daten-von-760-000-usern-verkauft-279728.html
#cyberangriffe #itsicherheit #szene #breachforumsis #discord #discordid #discordio #hackerforum #telegram
📢 Is there a data breach at #Acer? A threat actor is claiming to have stolen sensitive information from the technology giant, which has gone on sale on a #hackerforum.
Details: https://www.hackread.com/acer-data-breach-hacker-sell-data/
#CyberSecurity #databreach #CyberAttack #Security #hackerforum #acer
Ein #Hacker hat behauptet, die persönlichen Daten von einer Milliarde chinesischer Bürger aus einer Datenbank der #Shanghaier Polizei gestohlen zu haben. Sollte sich dies bestätigen, wäre dies einer der größten Datenverstöße der Geschichte. Der anonyme Hacker, der nur als #ChinaDan identifiziert wurde, bot in der vergangenen Woche im #Hackerforum #BreachForums an, die mehr als 23 Terabyte (TB) an Daten für 10 #Bitcoins, umgerechnet etwa 360.000 Euro, zu verkaufen.
#bitcoins #BreachForums #hackerforum #ChinaDan #Shanghaier #hacker
Animal Jam Hacked, 46M Records Roam the Dark Web - Animal Jam, just the latest in a string of attacks on gaming apps, has adopted a transparent commu... https://threatpost.com/animal-jam-hack-data-breach/161177/ #gamingattacks #parentemails #websecurity #cyberattack #hackerforum #userrecords #databreach #ransomware #stolendata #animaljam #minecraft #wildworks #kidsgame #password #phishing #darkweb #breach #gaming #hacks #hack
#hack #hacks #gaming #breach #darkweb #phishing #password #kidsgame #wildworks #minecraft #animaljam #stolendata #ransomware #databreach #userrecords #hackerforum #cyberattack #websecurity #parentemails #gamingattacks
Digging into the Dark Web: How Security Researchers Learn to Think Like the Bad Guys - Hacker forums are a rich source of threat intelligence. https://threatpost.com/dark-web-security-researchers-bad-guys/161172/ #criticalinfrastructure #securityresearchers #undergroundforum #vulnerabilities #infosecinsider #cybercriminals #threatresearch #cloudsecurity #aamirlakhani #websecurity #hackerforum #fortinet #malware #darkweb #darknet #hackers #breach #hacks
#hacks #breach #hackers #darknet #darkweb #malware #fortinet #hackerforum #websecurity #aamirlakhani #cloudsecurity #threatresearch #cybercriminals #infosecinsider #vulnerabilities #undergroundforum #securityresearchers #criticalinfrastructure
Leaked Details of 142 Million MGM Hotel Guests Found for Sale Online - Scope of last summer’s data leak at the hotel chain appears to be far more expansive than previous... more: https://threatpost.com/leaked-details-of-142-million-mgm-hotel-guests-found-for-sale-online/157406/ #cybercriminals #credentials #hackerforum #cybercrime #mgmresorts #datatheft #dataleak #mgmgrand #privacy #darkweb #details #breach
#breach #details #darkweb #privacy #mgmgrand #dataleak #datatheft #mgmresorts #cybercrime #hackerforum #credentials #cybercriminals
Leaked Details of 142 Million MGM Hotel Guests Found for Sale on Dark Web - Last summer’s data leak at the hotel chain appears to be far more expansive than previously though... more: https://threatpost.com/leaked-details-142-million-mgm-hotel-guests/157402/ #cybercriminals #cloudsecurity #websecurity #credentials #hackerforum #cybercrime #mgmresorts #datatheft #dataviper #nightlion #dataleak #mgmgrand #darkweb #details #breach #hacks
#hacks #breach #details #darkweb #mgmgrand #dataleak #nightlion #dataviper #datatheft #mgmresorts #cybercrime #hackerforum #credentials #websecurity #cloudsecurity #cybercriminals
Data on almost every citizen of Georgia posted on hacker forum - Where did it all come from? 4.9m records were posted on a hacking forum - and the country only has... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/03/31/data-on-almost-every-citizen-of-georgia-posted-on-hacker-forum/ #securitythreats #exposeddatabase #underthebreach #dataexposed #hackerforum #dataloss #datahack #dataleak #privacy #doxxing #georgia #pii
#pii #georgia #doxxing #privacy #dataleak #datahack #dataloss #hackerforum #dataexposed #underthebreach #exposeddatabase #securitythreats