Sam Grubb · @grubbslinger
91 followers · 26 posts · Server

I was tested last Friday for ADHD and after two+ hours, the Doctor said 'I can meet you next week with the results because its pretty cut and dry you have weaknesses caused by ADHD.'

I say this because I am 35 years old and am just now realizing how much of my life, what I felt were just 'things I'm not good at' are actually symptoms are ADHD. I was told that 'you cant have ADHD because you graduate college.'

That is true, I've got two degrees and wrote a book, but I also can't remember a set of numbers from one screen to another, or get so focused on a problem I ignore actual work I'm supposed to be doing. If I've done those things, its been through sheer dedication and willpower to power through my weaknesses.

So, don't let success or traditional thinking dismiss what you are feeling. If something isn't right then it doesn't matter if you fit the mold. There is nothing wrong with seeking help.

#mentalhealth #hackerhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

mauvehed 🐿️ · @mauvehed
477 followers · 76 posts · Server

I’ve been keeping up pretty well with my running. Ran my first 10k (just a regular long run now) since last April, and then set my first 2mile time trial a couple days later.

I’m honestly surprised and how strong I feel as a runner lately. Running has become such an important piece of my life, and is one I am very grateful for.

#austinrunning #runningformentalhealth #redteamfit #hackerhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

InfoSecSherpa 🍪 · @InfoSecSherpa
2502 followers · 779 posts · Server

From Philadelphia Magazine:

"How to Mentally, Emotionally and Financially Survive the Holidays, According to the Pros"

#mentalhealth #hackerhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

mauvehed 🐿️ · @mauvehed
244 followers · 312 posts · Server

Had another wonderful and strong long run tonight. Took the same route as before and knocked sometime off. Can’t say that was the goal but I certainly felt stronger running it.

I’m sure the beautiful 45 degree weather sure helped! It’s also the first time I got to try a new running jacket I got last spring. It worked beautifully with a merino layer underneath!

#nuunambassador #running #RedTeamFit #hackerhealth #RunningForMentalHealth

Last updated 2 years ago

mauvehed 🐿️ · @mauvehed
244 followers · 312 posts · Server

Another great run! Took a new path and wound up doing some off-road. Was NOT expecting that but I am glad I have a seriously powerful headlamp so it was no issue in the pitch black woods I wound up in. I also wasn’t expected the majority of this to be an up hill, but overall I paced myself well and finished strong!

I seriously love so much. It just makes me feel so incredible and focused.

#running #RedTeamFit #hackerhealth

Last updated 2 years ago