My #Vim t-shirt was complimented at #Hackfort #Treefort2023, my INFJ pin gleefully recognized, and the portability of StarFlight and Balance of Power discussed.
This is going to be the big hit at #Hackfort #Treefort2023. I'll make sure of it!
Chatting with fellow nerds at #Hackfort #Treefort2023 about ASR-33 teletypes and Computer Assisted Instruction, the 8088 Victor VI and Hack, Neofetch and aesthetics.
If you'll be attending Treefort in Boise come see me talk about electric vehicles and charging. March 24th/Boise Centre East/ rm 410B. I’ll be talking about the challenges we face in charging a nation full of EV and the serious equity problems that presents. I’ll be riding my Brompton folding bike to the presentation because I want to stress that electric vehicles will absolutely not get us past the finish line in fighting climate change. #ElectricVehicles #EV #treefort #boise #hackfort
#hackfort #boise #treefort #ev #ElectricVehicles
Bought my #Hackfort pass for #Treefort2023. Lots of great music and food to be had just walking around, and I meet tons of friends. What's not to love...? ॰॰॰Paid my power bill. Not nearly as much fun. ॰॰॰
Boswachter Udo Hassefras van @Natuurmonumenten laat het @ADNieuws zien hoe onomkeerbaar de effecten van droogte (klimaatverandering) en verdroging (ouderwets waterbeheer) toesloegen op landgoed #Hackfort in de Achterhoek: