RT @GirlsinTechES@twitter.com
Queremos compartir algunas oportunidades de mejora de nuestro último evento Hackathon #HackingForHumanity de este año, y un challenge para noviembre 😀.
#GITes #GITSpain #voluntarias #tecnologia #inclusion #mujeres #git #IT #stem #cit #HackingForHumanity #Hackathon #eventosIT
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GirlsinTechES/status/1575897097781800961
#hackingforhumanity #gites #gitspain #voluntarias #tecnologia #inclusion #mujeres #git #it #stem #cit #hackathon #eventosit
I’ve signed.
RT @rafaelshimunov@twitter.com
It's powerful to see tech workers participate in things like #HackingForHumanity. Because they are powerful.
But power without power analysis is dangerous. And I hope folks at @PittCyber listen to the sex workers they want to protect @PghSWOP