#Darksynth / #Cyberpunk Mix - Technohorror // Dark #Synthwave #Dark #Industrial #Electro #Music - https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=Gfo8jFSPm9Y #HackerCulture #CTFMusic #CTF #Hackers #Hacking #HackingIsNotACrime @cyberpunk @hispagatos
#darksynth #cyberpunk #synthwave #dark #industrial #electro #music #hackerculture #ctfmusic #ctf #hackers #hacking #hackingisnotacrime
Finally, have time to listen to "Off the hook" Hacker #radio show special for Kevin Mitnick, episode 2023-07-26
you can download the MP3 from https://2600.com/offthehook/2023/0723.html I have been listening to this #hacker show
since I was a kid in 1988, like I don't know what I will do if I miss one, this and the #2600 #Magazine are
a must for me. #HackerCulture #HackingIsNotACrime #offthehook #Hacking @2600 @hispagatos @anarcho_hackers @hacking @cyberpunk
#radio #hacker #magazine #hackerculture #hackingisnotacrime #offthehook #hacking
At #2600.Madrid and @hispagatos, we sadly yet another piece of bad news https://talkoftitusville.com/2023/08/06/ozzie-osband-originator-of-3-2-1-telephone-area-code-and-rocket-hobo-passes-away-at-72/ Ozzie Osband, a.k.a. the Cheshire Catalyst, was a organizer at the HOPE conference, and @2600 since the very start of each I used to see him at HOPE every 2 years and in some hacker panels, only spoke to him a few times very fast while setting up
at HOPE Hackers on Planet Earth https://hope.net The #hacker community will miss him
#HackerCulture #hackerEthics #HackingIsNotACrime #hispagatos
#hacker #hackerculture #hackerethics #hackingisnotacrime #hispagatos
Epic #Phonk / #Dark Phonk Mix 'GHOST' - https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=ynaVEHXDM6o #Hacker LifeStyle #CTFMusic #CTF #CyberPunk as fuck! #HackingIsNotACrime ok? @cyberpunk
#phonk #dark #hacker #ctfmusic #ctf #cyberpunk #hackingisnotacrime
Worldwide #2600 meetings August 4 - 2023 - #2600Madrid #Hackers #HackerCulture Just posted our meetup for August! Register for #Madrid here: https://eventos.hispagatos.org/events/4ef862c7-bc79-42af-8fea-f19af9c77fb2, please try to reserve, so we can tell the place how many people we will be. For more info: https://2600.madrid and gemini://2600.madrid Mastodon: @2600_madrid @2600 @hispagatos
Happy Hacking #TheHackerEthics #hacking #HackingIsNotACrime
#2600Madrid #hackers #hackerculture #madrid #thehackerethics #hacking #hackingisnotacrime
Is time for #Happy #Hacking #Friday!!! #ff FantasticHackers and interesting tinkers Celebrate #HackerCulture @thegibson @emmanuel @HackerRadioShow @drwho @Killab33z_OG @2600_madrid @iffybooks @NYC2600 @snipe @downey @hackerfantastic @NerdRat @2600_new_hampshire @spacerog @arcane @aleph_one @merce @AlbertoQ
@RTP2600 @voltur @clipperchip @n0x @RTP @thedarktangent @c0debabe @maltman23 @madcap @x3r0x @jackrhysider @tinker @OffTheHook #TheHackerEthics #HackingIsNotACrime https://www.hackingisnotacrime.org
#happy #hacking #friday #ff #hackerculture #thehackerethics #hackingisnotacrime
#Happy #Hacking #Friday to all hackers and DIY tinkers out there! Tonight #2600 meetings #worldwide! Here in #Madrid https://2600.Madrid Gemini://2600.madrid main site https://2600.com/meetings #HackingIsNotACrime #SupportTheHackerEthics #HackAllTheThingz @2600_madrid @2600 @hackthebox @hispagatos
#happy #hacking #friday #worldwide #madrid #hackingisnotacrime #supportthehackerethics #hackallthethingz
Update that our Mastodon hispagatos.space had some down time earlier today. Thank you everyone for being patient & #Hispagatos is now live again! ^_^
Also, don't forget this upcoming Friday is your local @2600 meeting, so be sure to check yours out.
#HackingIsNotACrime #HackTheSystem #HackTheSystemsALLTheSystems
#hispagatos #hackingisnotacrime #hackthesystem #hackthesystemsallthesystems
#Darksynth / #Cyberpunk Mix - Hyperdrive // #Dark #Synthwave Dark #Industrial #Electro #Music - https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=OHIY7T44gy4 #HackerCulture #CTFMusic #CTF #HackingIsNotACrime #HackTheSystem #HackAllTheThingz
#darksynth #cyberpunk #dark #synthwave #industrial #electro #music #hackerculture #ctfmusic #ctf #hackingisnotacrime #hackthesystem #hackallthethingz
#Madrid 2600 Meetings on #Lemmy under the official #2600 official Lemmy #group, #Hackers subscribe! https://lemmy.ml/post/1633529 https://lemmy.ml/c/2600@lemmy.world you can follow it from #mastodon at @2600 #HappyHacking #HackingIsNotACrime #HackerCulture
#madrid #lemmy #group #hackers #mastodon #happyhacking #hackingisnotacrime #hackerculture
#2600 #meetings worldwide, and of course 2600.Madrid in 7 days! https://2600.Madrid gemini://2600.Madrid matrix: #2600_Madrid:hispagatos.org mobilizon: https://eventos.hispagatos.org/events/608a824b-9c9f-473b-bc9f-9c3b115cbed9 PLEASE RESERVE SO WE CAN TELL THE BAR how many people we are going to be #HappyHacking #HackingIsNotACrime #2600Madrid https://2600.com
#meetings #2600_madrid #happyhacking #hackingisnotacrime #2600Madrid
2600 meetings worldwide, and of course 2600.Madrid in 7 days! https://2600.Madrid gemini://2600.Madrid matrix: #2600_Madrid:hispagatos.org mobilizon: https://eventos.hispagatos.org/events/608a824b-9c9f-473b-bc9f-9c3b115cbed9 PLEASE RESERVE SO WE CAN TELL THE BAR how many people we are going to be #HappyHacking #HackingIsNotACrime #2600Madrid https://2600.com
#2600_madrid #happyhacking #hackingisnotacrime #2600madrid
Muchos medios tecnológicos siguen usando la palabra 'hacker' como sinónimo de criminal en sus portales. Es como si a esos mismos medios les llamáramos 'portal de pederastia'. Los pederastas usan portales para promover su movida de mierda, ¿verdad?, pues esto es lo mismo.
#happyHacking #Friday a reminder #music video of the last #defcon the #hispagatos collective attended #defcon in 2017 #HackTheSystem #HackThePlanet #HackingIsNotACrime https://kolektiva.media/w/tUH5t914YwgysGuLrP8bn6
#happyhacking #friday #music #defcon #hispagatos #hackthesystem #hacktheplanet #hackingisnotacrime
El 3 de mayo celebramos en mi facultad el día de la #LibertadDeExpresión, que adelantamos un día antes, al 2 de mayo. Lo que no entiendo es por qué no celebramos unas jornadas en defensa de Julian Assange y de todas y todos los que han sido perseguidos por ejercerla. No se trata de celebrar, sino de luchar.
#FreeSpeech #FreedomOfSpeech #FreedomOfInformation #FreePress #WikiLeaks #Assange #FreeAssange #HackerJournalism #HackingIsNotACrime
#libertaddeexpresion #freespeech #freedomofspeech #freedomofinformation #freepress #wikileaks #assange #freeassange #HackerJournalism #hackingisnotacrime
This weekend Live & online (April 21-23rd) is the Third #CarolinaConOnline ^_^
Check out the schedule
And they're on the Fediverse @carolinacon
There will be a #CTF
And there's merch, which includes that #BadgeLife
#cconline #freeconference #infosec #Hacking #Hack #HackingIsNotACrime #HackTheSystem #HackThePlanet
#carolinacononline #ctf #badgelife #cconline #freeconference #infosec #hacking #hack #hackingisnotacrime #hackthesystem #hacktheplanet
Don't forget tomorrow is your local @2600 #Hacker monthly meeting on first #Friday of the month ^_^
Make sure to make the world a better place with your fellow local #Hackers.... And don't forget to #HackTheSystem ^_^
#hacker #friday #hackers #hackthesystem #hackingisnotacrime
Great #video deep dive on how blue boxes worked. This is the meaning behind the number @2600
It's time for the young'uns to learn & get more educated about #HackerHistory ^_^
#Phreaking #Hacking #Phreaker #Hacker #Twenty600 #HackingIsNotACrime #HackingIsNotInfoSec #InfoSec #HackTheSystem #HackThePlanet
#video #hackerhistory #phreaking #hacking #phreaker #hacker #twenty600 #hackingisnotacrime #hackingisnotinfosec #infosec #hackthesystem #hacktheplanet
It's time, again, to patch your #Wordpress trash (if you're using it) ^_^
#CyberCriminals (falsely being called #Hackers) are exploiting high-severity flaw in the #ElementorPro #plugin, enabling them to take control of #WooCommerce enabled sites. Update to version 3.11.7 or 3.12.0 immediately.
#Exploit #InfoSec #TechNews #cybersecurity #Hacking #HackingIsNotACrime #Haxor #WordpressIsMalware
#wordpress #cybercriminals #hackers #ElementorPro #plugin #woocommerce #exploit #infosec #technews #cybersecurity #hacking #hackingisnotacrime #haxor #wordpressismalware
Hoe wordt ethisch hacken beoordeeld vanuit het #strafrecht? Welke voorwaarden gelden er?
Zie https://www.cybercrimeadvocaten.nl/cybercrime/ethisch-hacken voor meer informatie over CVD en het strafrecht.
#whitehat #ethicalhacking #hackingisnotacrime #cvd #responsibledisclosure
#responsibledisclosure #cvd #hackingisnotacrime #ethicalhacking #whitehat #strafrecht