Ok, only one more session of #HackingWithSwift Live 2023 to go thru… @twostraws - you are amazing! Definitely worth the price. I even ended up changing some of my own code, and creating a Bug report for a new feature on the @Observable Macro! So excited to get thru these sessions.
#HackingWithSwift the recent Spaced Out session - anyone know how to implement the final project into a physical test device?
Have got XCode beta( - maybe the issue?) getting to say it’s installed but not showing in list.
Ready for some programming learning… Doing another great #hackingwithswift plus session today with @twostraws — highly recommended
I’ve started learning #SwiftUI using developer.apple.com/tutorials, #HackingWithSwift / @twostraws 🏅 et al. I have a level of dyscalculia and have visual learning bias. Having a visual representation of certain concepts would be helpful, this doesn’t mean a visual of the outcome but structural dependencies etc.. e.g. Flow charts/gantt chart etc.
Standard example text in lessons helps as I can then see changes in code and not have example text adding to the noise. Any relevant links out there?
I’ve started learning #SwiftUI using developer.apple.com/tutorials, #HackingWithSwift / @twostraws 🏅 et al. I have a level of dyscalculia and have visual learning bias. Having a visual representation of certain concepts would be helpful, this doesn’t mean a visual of the outcome but structural dependencies etc.. e.g. Flow charts/gantt chart etc.
Standard example text in lessons helps as I can then see changes in code and not have example text adding to the noise. Any relevant links out there?
I really enjoy playing Sudoko, and tonight I’ve just had time to watch @twostraws awesome Tap Sudoko tutorial. Loads of fun. #swift #swiftUI #hackingwithswift - Go support his excellent tutorials
#swift #swiftui #hackingwithswift
Since I am not the best at waiting for things, my #SundayFunday project was playing around in #Xcode and looking for a course in #Swift. I found #HackingWithSwift and completed Day 0 and Day 1 just for fun. I'm not really sure if this was a smart move since now I am even more eager to learn Swift. Especially since the beginning of a new language is always in neat little lessons and my timeline is pretty packed these days. https://media.giphy.com/media/Uf0gb4aM7snn2/giphy.gif
#sundayfunday #xcode #swift #hackingwithswift
Our newsletter has been nominated for a Swift Community Award! If you’ve appreciated our content, feel free to vote for us under the category “rising stars” ⭐️ #hackingwithswift https://www.hackingwithswift.com/awards
Just solved 3 challenges for #100DaysOfSwiftUI project 19 by @twostraws on #HackingWithSwift: added photo credit to ResortView, implemented Favorites' loading and saving methods, and allowed sorting of resorts in ContentView. Check out my code on GitHub at https://github.com/FloDev23/SnowSeeker
#100DaysOfSwiftUI #hackingwithswift
My first app is live in the Apple App Store. It’s taken a good few months studying and coding but I did it.
I have a few UI issues to improve upon and a few tweaks here and there need making but still very proud to have produced an actual product.
#hackingwithswift #100DaysOfSwiftUI #coding
#hackingwithswift I am so happy I finished Project5, the anagram game.
Things are getting really interesting now.
The hardest part is to be consistent and do some work each day.
The game:
I’m planning to submit my first app to the App Store for review this weekend.
Many thanks to @twostraws for his excellent #100DaysOfSwiftUI course and also to everyone who has offered their advice and time on the #hackingwithswift forums.
Fingers crossed it gets through the review process ok!
#100DaysOfSwiftUI #hackingwithswift #swiftui #development #coding
Hacking with macOS, project 12 ("Layout and Geometry"): What is the difference in output between .alignmentGuide() modifier and .offset() modifier?
#swift #hackingwithswift
SpriteKit: depending on initial speed, an animated sprite immediately loses all velocity on first contact. Is that a bug?
After some research during breakfast it looks to me like I used a MVVM approach without even knowing it. Just seemed the best way to do things or #HackingWithSwift led me to it early. 😅
If you are learning #Swiftui you owe it to yourself to follow #HackingWithSwift by @twostraws Paul Hudson. And he’s relaunching Ultimate Portfolio App lessons. I did these and enjoyed learning via Paul’s videos.
Working with #CoreData, #MapKit, #CoreImage, and #PhotosUI can be a challenging task, but I'm constantly learning more about their functionalities. The journey is still long, but the satisfaction of making progress every day is priceless 💪 #developers #HackingWithSwift
#coredata #mapkit #coreimage #photosui #developers #hackingwithswift
@kylewritescode Thank you. Started #HackingWithSwift last week and now I’m on my own. Any things you recommend that might be helpful?
Startet #HackingWithSwift and really like the concept. Skipped the first sessions & like how we get to API calls at some point which is exactly what I want to do with my #SmartHome API. But: Only learn SwiftUI or UIKit too? 🤨 https://www.hackingwithswift.com/100/swiftui