@thecgnerd up to today, running Linux on Apple's hardware have "hack" in the name ^^ #hackintosh
I desperately want to build an Intel-based #Hackintosh. I’d never go back to Windows, but I want a cute tower with a shitton of RGB lights. *pout*
When the hard- and software stars align: Came across a tutorial specifically for installing #MacOS #Catalina on an #Intel #NUC #Hades #Canyon, and what do you know? Since I build myself a new PC I had a NUC going unused. I dabbled before with generic #Hackintosh on NUC, but this one is very targeted to the the #NuCi7HNK2 with great install results. It even has drivers for Thunderbolt and the discrete AMD video card. https://osy.gitbook.io/hac-mini-guide #AppleWontLikeItAndThatsABonus
#macos #catalina #intel #nuc #hades #canyon #hackintosh #nuci7hnk2 #applewontlikeitandthatsabonus
@mariusmichusch Supplier pressuren und notfalls nen #Hackintosh nehmen wenn für'n #Mac kein Geld da ist...
Allerdings ist DavinciResolve und UnrealEngine jetzt auch nix was die meisten Leute brauchen oder nutzen, daher #AusnahmenBestätigenDieRegel...
#ausnahmenbestatigendieregel #mac #hackintosh
Literally zero issues I had on my #Hackintosh (that I had along with an iMac) were due to the Hack itself. All the dual-display bugs and weirdness, external drives telling me I had disconnected them even when I didn't, the barrage of FCPX bugs, flaky Airdrop... ALL of that is present on Apple Silicon, completely clean install and different peripherals with no legacy stuff at all.
Die Migration von einem #Hackintosh auf einen #M2-#MacMini läuft übrigens erstaunlich reibungslos. Da hätte ich mehr Bohei erwartet.
Und bevor jemand fragt: Grund ist die Leistungsaufnahme von max 185W.
[Hackintosh] macOS Sonoma 14 Public Beta 1をインストール
- Boot macOS 惑星で一番美しいOSをもっと多くのマシンに
I've also been wanting to give #hackintosh another try, but my laptop is all AMD :/
#all #working #hackintosh #Mojave #2023
#HP #
#all #working #hackintosh #mojave #hp
Trying to clone my existing NVMe #hackintosh installation to a new NVMe which has space to multi-boot Linux and potentially Windows too. It’s hard going - couldn’t get it to clone yesterday with old drive in machine -> new drive in enclosure. Trying again today with old drive in enclosure -> new drive in machine. It’s so slow …
macOS Sonomaを第13世代Intel CPUで動かす
#OSX86 #hackintosh
#OSX86 #hackintosh
これまでDEBUG-alpha版で公開されてきたHackintosh用Inetl系無線LANドライバー AirportItlwm のmacOS Ventura対応版が正式にリリースされた模様です。
OpenIntelWireless/itlwm v2.2.0 stable
Support macOS Ventura, Location Services and Wi-Fi list should all work properly.
#OSX86 #hackintosh
Wow, I can totally relate to this story. I had a "starving musician" phase in my mid-twenties, during which I could barely afford to eat, let alone buy a fancy Apple computer. Even though I was dirt poor, I knew that Mac OS X was the OS of choice for serious music producers, so I taught myself how to run OS X on PC hardware and built my own #Hackintosh. It was never quite as stable/reliable as "the real thing," but it was faster than all but the top-tier Mac Pro, and only cost me $800-ish to build, so it was perfect for my needs at the time. 🔊🎶😊
Me aburro, voy a ver si instala MacOS en un Acer S3 i5 2ªGen...