Søren Kjærsgaard · @oz1lqo
165 followers · 129 posts · Server techhub.social

Yesterday I tried a complete other setup, different antenna, the Nooelec Sawhird H1 LNA and the SDR instead of my spectrum analyzer.

Result was good 😃 A clear peak at 1420.544MHz, about 40kHz Doppler shift, with a decent SNR.

I used ‘GQRX’ but found it a bit annoying to tune, it took quite a while before I got the picture you can see. I wanted to zoom much more, but couldn’t make it work.

So what SW do you use for radio astronomy?

Anyway, the signal passed the ‘double sanity check: 1) Disconnect power to the LNA: it goes away. 2) Rotate the antenna away from the Milkyway: it goes away - rotate back: it returns 😃

#hydrogenline #hackrfone #hamradio #hamr #astronomy #stem #rfengineering #rfengineer #electronics

Last updated 1 year ago

Tobias Scheible · @scheible
56 followers · 44 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

Mein Artikel in der c’t Ausgabe Nr. 16

Mit der heute erschienenen Ausgabe Nr. 16 ist mein erster eigener Artikel im c’t Magazin veröffentlicht worden - und ich habe es sogar auf die Coverseite geschafft. „Mobiler Funk-Hacker“ lautet der Titel meines Artikels, in dem es um den HackRF One im Zusammenspiel mit dem PortaPack geht.


#heise #hackrfone #ct #artikel #projekte

Last updated 1 year ago

Tobias Scheible · @scheible
52 followers · 39 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

HackRF One und PortaPack: mobile SDR-Lösung

Für meinen Workshop nächsten Monat experimentiere ich gerade mit dem HackRF One und dem PortaPack. Mit PortaPack wird die Software-Defined-Radio-Plattform zu einer mobilen Lösung und kann eigenständig ohne PC betrieben werden. Als Aufgabe wird es die Deaktivierung einer Alarmanlage geben.


#hackrfone #sdr #cybersecurityworkshop #cybersecurity

Last updated 1 year ago

Renaud Lifchitz :verified: · @nono2357
259 followers · 2086 posts · Server infosec.exchange

RT @Lab_401
: HackRF with Android Smartphone : Duplicate a Fixed Code Alarm Remote

get yours: l.lab401.com/tFR2Y

#pentestips #lab401 #hdr #pentesting #infosec #hacking #hackrfone #gps

Last updated 2 years ago

sparseMatrix ✅✅ 📻 · @sparseMatrix
168 followers · 3412 posts · Server ioc.exchange

Monitoring 10m today using the HackRF while noodling over that antennae software, I heard a thin voice calling out his callsign, not all of which I could make out.

“CQ, CQ, CQ” he called, followed by his callsign, only the first four letters I could make out “0N6R—‘

“Seeking any station with an interest in exchanging signal quality reports”, he kept saying.

I’ve happened on many an established sideband conversation under way, which feels more like eavesdropping a telephone conversation than doing radio - this was the first time I ever heard that Ham in the distance, transmitting that request for contact.

I really felt bad I didn’t have a proper transmitter operating so I could properly respond to his call.

#amateurradio #hamradio #hackrfone #radiooperations

Last updated 2 years ago

This is basically what I’m attempting to do with the hackrfone. I do not have the enclosure this fellow has. Mine is built into a custom ham radio cyberdeck dealio built around a raspberry pi4.


I think I’m probably about to drop the change for a Usdx Usdr HF Qrp SDR Transceiver, 8 bands, all modes, around 140$ on the amazon.

Yes it does SSB. Also SDR means I should be able to configure it up with gnu radio companion.



#hackrfone #transceiver #hamradio #amateur #radio #usdx #USDR

Last updated 2 years ago

I just got my first receiver working with gnu radio companion.

Nothing fancy, mind you - an osmocom source, a slider for center frequency that doesn't do what I expected at all, a waterfall, an AM demodulator, and an audio sink.

I thought I'd tune it by adjusting the center frequency but it's not the case.

It does show the expected spectra on the waterfall though, and there is radio noise and static playing back over the speakers.

I can't tune it, but it does make radio noise! Hey, it's a start :D


#gnuradio #amateur #radio #hackrfone #damnright

Last updated 2 years ago

Fun RX on the 10m band with the and CubicSDR.

Mostly truckers, and some guy in southern Cali reminiscing about an old job at Northrup Grumman in the Satellite division.

Cool Stuff. 10m is rarely active for me here at EL29kl.

#hackrfone #amateur #radio #hamradio

Last updated 2 years ago

So I got this other flow graph put together that is built for a slightly different (simpler) SDR, which I chopped out of the flowgraph and dropped in the osmocom for the hackrf in it’s place.

I’ve got all my filter taps in place, per the diagram.

Problem is, those taps refer to each other by name, and some of those are abbreviated by grc using the elipsis…so I’m having to work out which ones are what. I’ve also found a decimal point off by one in one of the variables and corrected that.

I still have some red lines here and there, but I’ve got a complete system on the grid now that I’m debugging instead of a parts of things I’ve seen that don’t work with bits missing and whatnot.

I still suspect that some of my blocks need upgrading or patching or something, but for now I’m moving forward and see how it goes.


#ham #amateur #radio #hamradio #gnuradio #hackrfone

Last updated 2 years ago

So this morning when I started, I was pretty sure I had everything I needed to support the HackRFOne and went merrily off to follow the tutorials until I am become The Wizard.

Yeah, sure-sure.

Of course, thats not how any of this works.

The HackRFOne tuts were stale, and there's still a good deal of confusion here and there; the wide band fm reciever block, for instants, provides an interface for de-emphasis tau, but the code generated for the block has no idea wtf that is even about.

So I found some stuff that didn't depend so heavily on on such special-purpose blocks, and builds up a proper FM receiver based on as lot of other fundamental blocks and relevant block connection paradigms involving virtual sinks, fast fourier transforms and the typical like -- and I'm hopeful. I've yet to add some proper defaults to some bandpass filter taps.

I may sneak up on it, if I decide the whiskey wont interfere.

I'll keep ya posted.

#hamradio #amateur #radio #sdr #hackrfone #gnuradio #holyshitthatsalottahashtags

Last updated 2 years ago

So I've noticed that gqrx seemingly drops an incredible amount of the sample, did someone set the sample rate too damned high?

I know that CubicSDR seems not to have this trouble, but it does have other less annoying issues.

#hamradio #sdr #gnuradio #hackrfone

Last updated 2 years ago

@rombat @kelvin0mql

You are quite correct, except that spark-gap CW is verboten. Othere than that, it's all pretty much wide open, as you say.

Another important directive to the Ham from the FCC is "never use more power than is required to transmit a clear signal".

Just for the record, I have in fact made a foxhole receiver or two, and tuned in a local AM news radio propagandacast.

#hamradio #amateur #radio #sdr #hackrfone

Last updated 2 years ago

So today I’m continuing to extend my capabilities with my raspi4/hackrf build.

My first pass today was to follow the suggested path through the hackrf video tutorials. These are extensive, and there is a few hours, maybe more of these, and its a shame that they are out of date, focusing on an older version of grc, which incorporates a mess of wxwidgets blocks that are no longer preferred (QT is currently the rage).

These will no doubt still be incredibly useful at a later date, when I have gotten some traction with some slightly more general material.

I’ve already found some more generic instructions elsewhere, will note in replies concerning anything I find that’s useful.



#hamradio #sdr #gnuradio #hackrfone #hacktheplanet

Last updated 2 years ago

My current project is to see if I can get my Great Scott Gadgets Hack RF One to do some WSPR stuff in the 10m and up band(s).

I have a dipole antennae I made in my attic out of 70 ohm coax; it was measured for those frequencies.

I put a NanoVNA on the antenna the other afternoon, down here on the end of the cable where the RaspPi/HackRF connects, and measured about 2.4 at 10m, and down about 1.2 at 70cm.

It isn't perfect, but I think everything should be fine at 5w and under.

come at me bros


#hamradio #hackrfone #wsprnet

Last updated 2 years ago

Kadin · @kadin
184 followers · 1385 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Any enthusiasts want to suggest a good for someone looking to move up from cheap RTL-SDR dongles to something that transmits?

I'd like to learn more about modern digital RF, particularly cellular and spread-spectrum waveforms… so initially I started looking at the and type units. (The is neat, but can't do full duplex…)

What about the ADALM-PLUTO (and clones), though? It's cheaper and seems to be a favorite of the folks.

#radio #sdr #limesdr #bladerf #hackrfone #amsat

Last updated 2 years ago

Straithe · @straithe
413 followers · 17 posts · Server infosec.exchange

A favourite part of my job is that I get to give Great Scott Gadgets hardware to people and groups that are actively working on contributing to their community. I spend hours every month sorting through applications to pick one that will make a difference to research, accessibility, and making events happen.

Most of the applications I have received aren't incredibly inspiring. The current applications lack a descriptive motivation, don't elaborate on how a device that is received will be used, and they lack flair.

I know many of you are creative, thoughtful, and well-connected people. If you want free Great Scott Gadgets hardware fill out the free stuff form below, or if you know someone who would be a good applicant please share it with them. Help me make a bigger impact with this program. greatscottgadgets.com/freestuf

#opensource #opensourcehardware #greatscottgadgets #hackrf #hackrfone #greatfet #greatfetone #yardstickone

Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre · @F4GXS
54 followers · 210 posts · Server mastodon.radio

I was playing with my new transmitter and receiver for some test in DATV, don’t worry about my face, it’s allright. 🤣
It work so great !
I was able to use OBS with Transport Stream function to SDRAngel and my HackRF One, the receiver is the Minitiouner-S
Settings : 1080p 500SR FEC5/6 8PSK
Video input at 400kb/s on OBS

#test #8psk #sdrangel #hackrfone #ref #minitiouner #radioamateur #amateurradio #television #amateurtelevision #transmitter #receiver #digital #datv

Last updated 2 years ago

Shawn Webb · @lattera
1326 followers · 5171 posts · Server bsd.network

And here we see the and working flawlessly in a jailed environment.

Full img: photos.app.goo.gl/UVFDum8GDyVj

#hackrfone #gnuradio #hardenedbsd #hackrf #sdr

Last updated 7 years ago

Shawn Webb · @lattera
1326 followers · 5171 posts · Server bsd.network

And here we see the working flawlessly with on .

#hackrfone #gnuradio #hardenedbsd

Last updated 7 years ago