There's a new issue of #HackSpacemagazine out and our favourite bit is obviously about *us* and our newest product.
HackSpace's Ben Everard puts #RaspberryPi Camera Module 3 to the test.
#raspberrypi #hackspacemagazine
New issue day for #HackspaceMagazine on the @Raspberry_Pi press. My contribution this issue is an air powered #rocket launcher and I made an LED Rocket for night flying! Great fun for not too much cash! As ever, buy, subscribe or DL for free here #makers #making
#hackspacemagazine #rocket #makers #making
Just uploaded a short video tutorial on folding an advanced paper aeroplane design with landing gear! In a few issues time it (and much more) will be in a tutorial in #HackspaceMagazine on the @Raspberry_Pi press. Happy Folding Friday! #making
I've been building some #freeflight, supercapacitor driven, planes for an upcoming #HackspaceMagazine article. Was almost calm enough to test fly this one outside today! But not quite! Hoping to indoor fly this weekend! #electronics #making
#freeFlight #hackspacemagazine #electronics #making
HackSpace magazine issue 11: best maker hardware #hackspacemagazine #alshackshack #hackyracers #hackspace #hardware #alexglow
#hackspacemagazine #alshackshack #hackyracers #hackspace #hardware #alexglow