I’m preparing myself for #hacktoberfest by learning #git and #github. My intention is to contribute to Open Source. There has to be something I can do for a project, even if I’m fairly new to #coding and the #techcommunity.
#hacktoberfest #git #github #coding #techcommunity
🔴 LIVE NOW on YouTube!!
Continuing to work on my #Hacktoberfest project!
Making the MVP of my Basic Car Maintenance app that others can contribute to during Hacktoberfest.
Drop by to chat about iOS Dev, SwiftLang visionOS and more!
🔴 Livestream, today Fri Aug 24 at 9:30am ET 13:30 UTC (in 3 hours!)
Continuing to work on my #Hacktoberfest project!
Starting with the MVP
Starting with a minimal app will make it easier to build onto, rather than starting from a new project.
🔴 Livestream, Fri Aug 24 at 9:30am ET 13:30 UTC (in 10 hours!)
Continuing to work on my #Hacktoberfest project! Building the MVP that others can contribute to in October!
Come to chat about iOS dev and see how I build an MVP
And that’s a wrap! My #hacktoberfest project has been unveiled!
It’s an app called Basic Car Maintenance, to track the maintenance activities for your car.
It’s simple, but there’s a TON of features that can be added!
See the replay about preparing the repo as a maintainer
Star it now! ⭐️
🔴 LIVE on YouTube in 1 hour!
Come chat about iOS development and learn how to get started contributing to an open source project for #hacktoberfest
See behind the scenes preparing a project as a maintainer. Ask any questions about open source!
🔴 LIVE on YouTube in 7 hours!
See the behind the scenes, the steps I’m taking to get a project ready for open source contributors during #hacktoberfest
This is mainly for maintainers, but useful for contributors to see the process
Would anyone be interested in seeing how I’m actually preparing a repo for #hacktoberfest ?
Where it’s straightforward for beginners to contribute to, for their first time doing open-source?
Comment 🎃! The more pumpkins the higher your vote haha
#hacktoberfest project has been created! Hoping to make a small MVP to get ready for Hacktoberfest so when it starts I’ll be ready with a bunch of tasks for beginners to easily get started!
If you want to contribute early, DM me!
I'm a bit sad that there won't be anymore pretty #Hacktoberfest T-shirt. But this is the way.
#Sustanability is the only way forward.
I saw an old email subject line saying that I still hadn't planted my #Hacktoberfest tree and had an idea for (an) alternative(s):
- receive #OpenBadges instead of tshirt or tree and weird badges
- join any time, no deadline
- run by people not wanting to lure you to their platform
- get badges for useful 'quests', not just x pull requests
- opt-in, works with any code forge
- repo maintainers need not know about each quest's specifics
#hacktoberfest #openbadges #freeidea
I think I can get a good physical space, tech professional volunteers and even some funding. I've got 3D printers and a great workshop space.
Big bonus points for anchoring it in the best of American values: democracy, freedom, resilience, pluralism.
Also bonus points for advancing digital citizenship: tech literacy, privacy awareness, trust & safety, and generally helping kids grow into
#hacktoberfest #hackathon #kids #education #STEM #parenting #maker
#hacktoberfest #hackathon #kids #education #stem #parenting #maker
#Hacktoberfest is coming up soon... does anyone have good ideas/resources to loop the #kids in? :blobfoxartist:
I'm thinking about pulling together a #STEM #maker #art event for school-aged kids and linking it to Hacktoberfest. It should be hands-on with a focus on creative collaboration. Ideally going beyond a disposable craft to actually delivering value together.
#hacktoberfest #kids #stem #maker #art #hackathon #education #parenting
Of all the community engagement methods that qiskit has tried, the worst was #hacktoberfest
- Abby Mitchell @scipy2023
@ffaure32 pour ma part des thématiques (#opensource, #hacktoberfest) et des produits (#gitlab #gitpod) et je vais tenter le #zenika ! 😀
#opensource #hacktoberfest #gitlab #gitpod #Zenika
🧠 Finally had to take down my app Brain Marks ☹️
Sadly due to API changes it doesn’t work anymore (development or on the App Store, so I’ve completely removed it)
Be on the look out in October for #hacktoberfest ! I have a new app brewing!
They just posted this, so yes, ChatGPT, and also a real person. I reached out to them via email to let them know that I encourage them learning to program, but that this is placing a burden on maintainers that they might not be intending to place on them, and probably weren't aware of.
It will be interesting to see how this is going to affect #Hacktoberfest.
The #hacktoberfest T-shirt for last years hacktoberfest is really nice.
I need these yearly “donations” to keep me dresses 🙃
¡Finalmente! ¡Después de una larga espera, hoy recibí mis swags del #HacktoberFest !
#hacktoberfest #hacktoberfest2022
My first ever #hacktoberfest, it was so cool Thank you Github and @hacktoberfest and project #Harbor :)) suuuuuuuper cool :)) Docker, Inc
#docker #github #thankyou
#hacktoberfest #harbor #docker #github #thankyou