Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
Charity does not decrease wealth, no one forgives another except that Allah increases his honour, and no one humbles himself for the sake of Allah except that Allah raises his status.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Commit yourself to the Qur'an, for by Him in whose Hand is my soul, it is surely more prone to break away than a camel in its bind."
Narrated Abu Huraira from the Prophet Muhammad:
We are more liable than Abraham to be in doubt when he said "O my Lord! Show me how you give life to the dead?". Then #God said "Don't you believe?". Abraham replied "Yes but to harden my faith".
And God may have mercy upon Lot. He wished to have a powerful support.
And if I was living in prison as long as Joseph was living, I would have accepted the offer.
#god #hadith #islam #sahih_bukhari #prophets #religion #bible
I’ve been thinking about a #hadith that talks about the three skills a person should have (archery, horseriding, and swimming) and I’ve been thinking a lot about skills and trades I want to practice both prophetically. Besides that, I’ve been thinking more on having a few survival/hard skills. What are folks favorite hard skills they’ve been doing as of late?
#God created 100 [parts of] mercy. He distributed a part among the creations and kept the rest.
Ich wünschen euch allen einen schönen Freitag.
Ein Hadith des Tages, den ich sehr schön finde:
"Gewiss, Allah schaut nicht auf eure Leiber und auch nicht auf euer Aussehen; vielmehr schaut Er in eure Herzen und auf eure Taten"
#islam #hadith #muslimeindeutschland #jummuamubarak
Muslim theology & faith. Who was the founder—or who were the founders—of Hadith criticism? Who was the first Hadith critic, or alternatively, who were the first Hadith critics? It is this question that the present article attempts to address.
#Islam #hadith #Muslims #islamicthoughts
Long time ago, an old friend of mine was arguing if some word is from God, it must not require interpretation. A few moments ago I was thinking and remembered these hadiths:
At the first glance, my understanding is that while God did not prevent people from interpreting his words, he has told us there will be interpretations, only one of them is correct and which one is correct. What do you think?
Imam Ali (A.S.)
حَسِّنْ خُلُقَكَ يُخَفِّفِ اللَّهُ حِسَابَكَ
Adorn yourself with a good nature, and God will ease your account.
Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 68, pg. 383
#hadith #islam #quote #beautifulquote
There is no #Mehdi but #Essa, listen the correct interpretation of this #Hadith by SM Younus AlGohar #Ahmadi #Qadiyani #Mirzai #Ahmadiyya #IFollowGoharShahi #ImamMehdiGoharShahi #GoharShahi #YounusAlGohar #ALRATV #Sufism #Spirituality #Kabbalah #Gnosticism #TariqJameel #ZakirNaik… https://t.co/STReqNIqGt https://t.co/CjG8q4XcBW
#Mehdi #Essa #Hadith #Ahmadi #Qadiyani #Mirzai #Ahmadiyya #IFollowGoharShahi #ImamMehdiGoharShahi #G
#mehdi #essa #hadith #ahmadi #qadiyani #mirzai #ahmadiyya #ifollowgoharshahi #imammehdigoharshahi #goharshahi #younusalgohar #alratv #sufism #spirituality #Kabbalah #gnosticism #tariqjameel #zakirnaik #g
'Show me things as they are!
You make things appear beautiful when in reality they are ugly.
You make things appear ugly when in reality they are beautiful.
Show us therefore each thing as it is lest we fall into a snare and be ever errant.'
#hadith #Islam #faith #spirituality #quotes #SilentSunday #Sunday #rumi #books @bookstodon
#hadith #Islam #faith #spirituality #quotes #silentsunday #sunday #rumi #books