"It is much better to proactively screen for HFE pathogenic genotypes and arrange monitoring or treatment, as necessary, than to demand the presence of harmful iron levels before acting. The continuing absence of reliable, inclusive, and co-developed clinical guidelines for the treatment of people with genetic #haemochromatosis further compounds these harms". https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2823%2901506-4/fulltext?mc_cid=f2cd620390&mc_eid=3dfbeeef9e
Sliced a tiny hole in to my finger, it's ok but reminded me that Irish people need to check their iron levels because genetically we are at high risk of #haemochromatosis and none of us bar the actually anaemic need to take iron supplements before we check our iron levels. Check yours.
Shout out to all #RustiesofMastodon or fellow sufferers of #haemochromatosis We should talk and share experiences.
#rustiesofmastodon #haemochromatosis
Each parent gave me the C282Y gene mutation. I effing hate #hemochromatosis (aka #haemochromatosis) and the #cirrhosis that rode in on it.
#hemochromatosis #haemochromatosis #cirrhosis
RT @KarinCalford
A win/win. Over 12K active therapeutic donors donated blood in 2020. Together, they donated over 3% of all the red cells @lifebloodau sent to hospitals.
More info on #haemochromatosis & patient resources from @HaemAus
RT @KarinCalford@twitter.com
A win/win. Over 12K active therapeutic donors donated blood in 2020. Together, they donated over 3% of all the red cells @lifebloodau@twitter.com sent to hospitals.
More info on #haemochromatosis & patient resources from @HaemAus@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KarinCalford/status/1595916539135676416
RT @IronOverloadUK@twitter.com
This week, actor Stephen McGann (@StephenMcGann@twitter.com, @CallTheMidwife1@twitter.com) launches health check for #Liverpool’s most common, undiagnosed genetic condition - #haemochromatosis.
We hope to reach over 300,000 households across #Merseyside this month.
Read more : https://www.haemochromatosis.org.uk/news/haemochromatosis-screening-in-liverpool
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/IronOverloadUK/status/1589549721831575555
#liverpool #haemochromatosis #merseyside
Haemochromatosis UK - a charity of which I’m patron- launches a health check for #Liverpool’s most common, undiagnosed genetic condition - #haemochromatosis - this week.
It’s hoped to reach over 300,000 households across #Merseyside this month. I carry a gene variant for the condition myself. It’s easy to test for, and effective to treat, but dangerous if undiagnosed.
If you’re in the area, look out for it :-)
More info here: https://www.haemochromatosis.org.uk/news/haemochromatosis-screening-in-liverpool
#liverpool #haemochromatosis #merseyside