#Introduction I'm a 3rd year PhD student focusing on brining #haemodynamics into the clinic in the context of #cardiovascular research. To do this, I use novel graph neural network (#gnn) architectures to provide on-the-fly uncertainty quantification for clinical metrics. I regularly use #python, #r, #fortran and #sql. I plan to post mainly about interesting papers, repositories and my own work.
#Introduction #haemodynamics #cardiovascular #gnn #Python #r #fortran #sql
RT @icmteaching
Patient on noradrenaline (norepineprine) had it reduced. Explain the changes in the observed numbers on the cardiac output monitor:
MAP 70➡️52
SV 84➡️73
SVV (SV variation) 3➡️8
SVRindexed 1190➡️870