Happy #HAEQSday!
Tonight's meeting is about #SysAdmin things. All levels of experience welcome (especially if you dont have any but are curious!)
7pm at xHain hack & makespace in Grünberger Str in Friedrichshain
We're planning some work on our server, and would love for you to join us.
Fabulous queer hacking! See you there :)))
it's #HAEQSday today!
HAEQS is a group of queer hack-y people who meets every wednesday, 7pm at xhain hack&makespace in friedrichshain.
today we're talking #DigitalSelfDefense: email encryption with #mailvelope -- ideal for beginners, everyone who dislikes enigmail, everyone.
ofc we'll also answer any other questions you have re crypto/tech :)
plus: socializing!
see you there! :)
#haeqsday #digitalselfdefense #mailvelope #berlin #queer #feminist #tech #codeofconduct
so it's #HAEQSday today! that's the day our awesome #queer #feminist group meets & talks @tech and sparkly ideas!
every wednesday, 7pm, at #xhain hack&makespace in #berlin
and today's topic is: #neural #networks!
we're sharing stuff we know/ discovered about those... and i, for one, am excited! :)
so come by and #HAEQStheplanet with us? ping me for questions if u like.
see you later!
#haeqsday #queer #feminist #xhain #berlin #neural #networks #haeqstheplanet