In both my Biology and Health Psych courses this week at #UoPeople, I was able to talk about Health at Every Size (#HAES) and how one-size-fits-all attitudes towards larger people tend to stigmatize larger people resulting in less willingness to reach out to health care professionals for help and reducing positive health outcomes.
🧠Current learning edge interests:
#degrowth #solarpunk #fossilfueltreaty
#decolonizefitness #veganfitness #fatliberation #haes
#communitybuilding #decentralized #digitalequity
Pointers and finds welcome!
#digitalequity #decentralized #communitybuilding #haes #fatliberation #veganfitness #decolonizefitness #FossilFuelTreaty #solarpunk #degrowth
"Shame is never motivating and what we eat is not a cipher for morality"
Brilliant article by Rebecca Seal about eating, fear of fatness, inequality, and the toxic culture of moralising people's food, health, and bodies. Spot on analysis 🎯
#intuitiveeating #food #dietculture #dietsdontwork #HAES #HealthAtAnySize #allbodiesarebeautiful #foodpolitics #advertising #marketing #toxicdietculture #disorderedeating
#disorderedeating #toxicdietculture #marketing #advertising #foodpolitics #allbodiesarebeautiful #healthatanysize #haes #dietsdontwork #dietculture #food #intuitiveeating
RT @CheriLev
If you are a medical dr & you truly care about your fat patients - here is how to best help them (& people at every size!)
1. Advise on healthy behaviors
2. Do not advise on weight
3. Work to end systemic issues
4. Stop blaming individuals
#haes #eatingdisorders #weightstigma
If you are a medical dr & you truly care about your fat patients - here is how to best help them (& people at every size!)
1. Advise on healthy behaviors
2. Do not advise on weight
3. Work to end systemic issues
4. Stop blaming individuals
#haes #eatingdisorders #weightstigma
Went to Obgyn today & DECLINED to be weighed
First time I’ve done this
Weight is irrelevant to what I was there for - weight does not determine health
No push back at all- highly recommend #haes
@YayForThat Ja, genau. Perfekte Diätkultur. Das schlimmste, was einem Menschen widerfahren kann, ist fett werden. 🤮#Fettphobie und #Fatshaming.
Wahrscheinlich hätte ein Mehrgewichtiger Schauspieler abgelehnt.
Another book rec for folks of every size - Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison
#fatacceptance #fat #HealthAtEverySize #haes #antidiet
A lot of variables at play, but does anyone else eat so much more on the weekends because during the work week you simply can’t? Last week was intense with all grade levels trying to squeeze in one last library visit before spring break. Too busy and too tired to eat much. This is the first morning since Friday that I’ve had my coffee and not eaten like a hobbit. #HAES #EatingPatterns
Sweet kindergartener asked me today if I was pregnant. Instead of getting huffy about it, I told her, “No, I’m just soft.” Then she hugged me and agreed. Celebrate your softness. #AllBodiesAreGoodBodies #soft #kindergarteners #HAES
#allbodiesaregoodbodies #soft #kindergarteners #haes
Obviously not all apps are the same but SO many of these things are really, really toxic.
#dietsdontwork #dietculture #intuitiveeating #eatingdisorders #HAES #bodilyautomomy
#bodilyautomomy #haes #eatingdisorders #intuitiveeating #dietculture #dietsdontwork
Your stigma is literally killing us 🙂 Please stop 🙂
#haes #healthateverysize #antidiet #ChristyHarrison #weightstigma #fatphobia
#fatphobia #weightstigma #christyharrison #antidiet #HealthAtEverySize #haes
This belief is instilled in us from the time we are children
So backwards
Our bodies are magical and amazing
They allow us to LIVE - to experience being human
It’s past time to change the narrative
#allbodiesarebeautiful #eatingdisorders #haes #weightstigma
Okay, now that I’ve actually finished The Fuck-It Diet, I can give a mostly-whole-hearted recommendation.
Keeping in mind that not all advice is applicable to everyone, and there’s probably stuff you’ll read and actively disagree with, it really does have a lot of valuable insight - both for us fat folk, but even those who aren’t.
#haes #health #diet #dietculture #healthateverysize #fitness #fat
🧵 ->
#fat #fitness #HealthAtEverySize #dietculture #diet #health #haes
Last year I started the move 2022 miles challenge. Walked, ran, and biked. Then COVID serious sidelined me for most of September, I couldn’t make up the mileage and I fell short. This year I decided to do mini challenges so if something happens, the whole thing isn’t shot. Right now it’s a 31 day streak for my step goal and I’m on day eight. Woo. #MovementChallenges #HAES #walking #biking #QuantitativeData
#movementchallenges #haes #walking #biking #quantitativedata
TW: Fatphobia
Thinking of how I had to unfollow the #HealthAtEverySize #HAES hashtags on instagram and TikTok because they were overtaken by a metric ton of fatphobic content and that was taking a real toll on my mental health. I think I also had to unfollow #BodyPositivity there, too, for the same reason.
#HealthAtEverySize #haes #BodyPositivity
I’m so excited to really get the ball rolling on!
This is The Spot for Anti-Diet CEUs.
Click the link above to join the newsletter!
#Health #HAES #RD #RDN #RegisteredDietitian #CPEU #CEUs #ContinuingEducation
#Health #haes #rd #rdn #registereddietitian #cpeu #ceus #continuingeducation