Je corrige mon rapport sur le #tungstène le #hafnium et le #tantale
J'espère que toute la commu #MétauxDeTransition de ce réseau va me suivre !
#tungstene #hafnium #tantale #metauxdetransition
Naked Security Live – To hack or not to hack? - Latest video - watch now! We look at the recent FBI "webshell hacking" controversy from b... #nakedsecuritylive #law&order #malware #hacking #hafnium #video #fbi
#fbi #video #hafnium #hacking #malware #law #nakedsecuritylive
S3 Ep28.5: Hacking back – is attack an acceptable form of defence? [Podcast] - Listen now - and have your say on this divisive issue in our comments! #nakedsecuritypodcast #vulnerability #law&order #webshell #malware #podcast #hacking #hafnium #fbi
#fbi #hafnium #hacking #podcast #malware #webshell #law #vulnerability #nakedsecuritypodcast
FBI hacks into hundreds of infected US servers (and disinfects them) - Hacking for good! A judge said I could! #vulnerability #law&order #microsoft #takedown #webshell #malware #exploit #hafnium #fbi
#fbi #hafnium #exploit #malware #webshell #takedown #microsoft #law #vulnerability
Naked Security Live – Lessons beyond ransomware - Cybercrime isn't about just one sort of attack, one type of crook, or one method of protection! #vulnerability #blackkingdom #ransomware #malware #exploit #hacking #hafnium #video
#video #hafnium #hacking #exploit #malware #ransomware #blackkingdom #vulnerability
S3 Ep25: Drained accounts, ransomware attacks and Linux badware [Podcast] - New episode - listen now! #nakedsecuritypodcast #vulnerability #databreaches #ransomware #malware #podcast #hafnium #twitter #linux #scam
#scam #linux #twitter #hafnium #podcast #malware #ransomware #databreaches #vulnerability #nakedsecuritypodcast
BlackKingdom ransomware still exploiting insecure Exchange servers - Remember Hafnium? Here's the bad news - it's not over yet! Learn why and what to do... #vulnerability #blackkingdom #blackkingdom #ransomware #hafnium
#hafnium #ransomware #blackkingdom #vulnerability
"Bei der Untersuchung von #Hafnium #Exchange haben wir in der Forensik der @HiSolutions inzwischen mehrfach Fälle gesehen, wo das Microsoft-Tool nichts findet, weil im HttpProxy-Log kein proxyLogon zu sehen war, obwohl der Zugriff im ECP Activity Log nachvollziehbar war."
via Daniel Jedecke:
Wer gestern keine Zeit hatte, kann sich unseren Livestream zu den Schwachstellen in MS #Exchange auch im Nachhinein anschauen. Wir haben zum aktuellen Stand informiert, Tipps gegeben und Fragen beantwortet: 👉 #DeutschlandDigitalSicherBSI #infosec #Hafnium
#exchange #DeutschlandDigitalSicherBSI #infosec #hafnium
Naked Security Live – HAFNIUM explained in plain English - Latest episode - watch now! #vulnerability #cybercrime #webshell #malware #exploit #hafnium #video
#video #hafnium #exploit #malware #webshell #cybercrime #vulnerability
S3 Ep23: Hafnium happenings, I see you, and Pythonic poison [Podcast] - New episode - listen now! (And find out what HAFNIUM really stands for.) #nakedsecuritypodcast #vulnerability #supplychain #podcast #privacy #exploit #hafnium #selfies #zeroday #python
#python #zeroday #selfies #hafnium #exploit #privacy #podcast #supplychain #vulnerability #nakedsecuritypodcast
Exchange-Hack: Microsoft-365-Migrationstool durch Textdatei ausgetauscht #Hafnium
Serious Security: Webshells explained in the aftermath of HAFNIUM attacks - Webshells explained, with some (safe) examples you can try at home if you want to learn more. #vulnerability #microsoft #exchange #webshell #malware #hafnium #zeroday
#zeroday #hafnium #malware #webshell #exchange #microsoft #vulnerability
At Least 30,000 U.S. Organizations Newly Hacked Via Holes in Microsoft’s Email Software #MicrosoftExchangeserverflaws #LatestWarnings #TheComingStorm #TimetoPatch #StevenAdair #Volexity #Hafnium
#microsoftexchangeserverflaws #LatestWarnings #TheComingStorm #TimetoPatch #stevenadair #volexity #hafnium
At Least 30,000 U.S. Organizations Newly Hacked Via Holes in Microsoft’s Email Software - At least 30,000 organizations across the United States — including a significant number of small bus... #microsoftexchangeserverflaws #latestwarnings #thecomingstorm #timetopatch #stevenadair #volexity #hafnium
#hafnium #volexity #stevenadair #timetopatch #thecomingstorm #latestwarnings #microsoftexchangeserverflaws
Threat Advisory: HAFNIUM and Microsoft Exchange zero-day - Microsoft released patches for four vulnerabilities in Exchange Server on March 2, disclosing that t... #microsoftexchange #threatadvisory #zero-day #hafnium
#hafnium #zero #threatadvisory #microsoftexchange
Patch your Exchange email server now! flaws exploited by hackers to download corporate email - Microsoft has released emergency security patches for four zero-day vulnerabilities in its Exchan... #microsoftexchange #vulnerability #databreach #microsoft #dataloss #malware #hafnium #china
#china #hafnium #malware #dataloss #microsoft #databreach #vulnerability #microsoftexchange
Patch your Exchange email server now! flaws exploited by hackers to download corporate email #MicrosoftExchange #Vulnerability #vulnerability #databreach #Microsoft #Dataloss #Malware #Hafnium #China
#microsoftexchange #vulnerability #databreach #microsoft #Dataloss #malware #hafnium #china
Microsoft: Chinese Cyberspies Used 4 Exchange Server Flaws to Plunder Emails #MicrosoftExchange #LatestWarnings #TheComingStorm #CVE-2021-26855 #CVE-2021-26857 #CVE-2021-26858 #CVE-2021-27065 #TimetoPatch #Hafnium #zeroday
#microsoftexchange #LatestWarnings #TheComingStorm #CVE #TimetoPatch #hafnium #zeroday