This week(end) my legs are quite good for the first time after months. It seems that there is hope to win back my fitness after the fucking Corona infektion last autumn.
Pictures from my tour today to the #Hagenturm, the trails to #Schaffhausen and the #Cherzenstuebli trail to #Thayngen in #Switzerland before driving the last 20 km back to home.
#OutdoorWeekend #OutdoorWE #OutdoorWochenende
#Mountainbike #MTB #biken #Trails #Trailbiken
#hagenturm #schaffhausen #cherzenstuebli #thayngen #switzerland #outdoorweekend #outdoorwe #outdoorwochenende #mountainbike #mtb #biken #trails #trailbiken
Extended bike trailtour today along the #Napoleoneck, #Postweg, #BuchenerStumpen and #Hagenturm, all the trails down to #Schaffhausen at the #Rheinfall (#Switzerland #Schweiz) and back home over #Randen, #Büßlingen and #BinningerSee
Unfortunately I had no time left for the geat #Kerzenstuebli trail from #Lohn to #Thayngen
#OutdoorWeekend #OutdoorWE #OutdoorWochenende
#napoleoneck #postweg #buchenerstumpen #hagenturm #schaffhausen #rheinfall #switzerland #schweiz #randen #bußlingen #binningersee #kerzenstuebli #lohn #thayngen #outdoorweekend #outdoorwe #outdoorwochenende #mountainbike #mtb #biken #trails #trailbiken