Among some of the Swedish National Archives recently digitised documents is this Life of St Elizabeth of Hungary.
It begins with "Dyt is dat leuent det hilghen vrouwen sunte elseben van erer eddelen gebord..."
Sounds very Dutch to me!?
Link to the full #manuscript
#manuscript #archives #medieval #hagiography
Title: #Hagiography and the #Gusto-#Facial #Response
Author: #Declan #McManus
Language: #Basque, modern
Depth of recovery: 1,119m
Description: A #libretto for an #opera considering the #plight of a group of #Alaskan #firemen snow-bound in their #firehouse, driven #mad with #hunger, and forced to eat their #Dalmatians. #Dialogue consists entirely of #rhetorical #questions.
#scp #1986
#hagiography #gusto #facial #response #declan #mcmanus #basque #Libretto #opera #plight #alaskan #firemen #firehouse #mad #hunger #dalmatians #dialogue #rhetorical #questions #scp
For anyone interested in #hagiography, please check out this call for papers for #kzoo2024 #ICMS2024. The theme is "Saints from East and West: Hagiography across Cultures and Languages."
#hagiography #kzoo2024 #icms2024
#Patristics cat is watching you obfuscate.
#RescueCat #AcademicsWithCats #catsofmastodon #mastodoncats #catstodon #adoptdontshop #Fedicats #Religion #Christianity #Catholicism #hagiography
#patristics #rescuecat #AcademicsWithCats #catsofmastodon #mastodoncats #catstodon #adoptdontshop #fedicats #religion #christianity #Catholicism #hagiography
Aujourd'hui (14h-16), séance du séminaire Manuscrits en Méditerranée @IRHT_CNRS par Anna Lampadaridi : Les versions grecques de la Vie d’Hilarion (BHG 752 et 753) : enjeux de traduction et de circulation
@campuscondorcet et en ligne (me contacter)
#manuscripts #hagiography @medievodons @bookhistodons
Are there any legends about the widow's mite in medieval hagiography?
An interesting letter from a correspondent:
... We are working on a hagiographic project to uncover and develop the story of the poor widow who offered her two coins in Mark 12 and Luke 21. We have been exploring numerous Eastern Orthodox channels and so far have found no evidence of any preexisting tradition or story...
“One evening, at a loss for words to tell Jesus how much I loved Him and how much I wished that He might be everywhere served and glorified, I reflected with pain that not one act of love would ever mount upwards from out of the depths of hell. Then I cried out that willingly would I consent to see myself plunged into that place of torment and blasphemy, in order that He might be loved there eternally. That could not really glorify Him since He desires only our happiness, but love makes one want to say a thousand foolish things. If I spoke thus, it was not that I did not long for heaven; but then, my heaven was none other than Love, and in my fervor I felt that nothing could separate me from the Divine object of my love. . . .”
- St.Therese
#SaintThereseOfLisieux #SaintThereseOfTheChildJesus #SaintThereseLittleFlower #SaintThereseWildflower #CarmeliteNun #CatholicNun #Catholic #Catholicisim #ReligiousSister #Hagiography #ChristianSaint
#SaintThereseOfLisieux #saintthereseofthechildjesus #saintthereselittleflower #sainttheresewildflower #carmelitenun #catholicnun #catholic #catholicisim #religioussister #hagiography #christiansaint
Some primary sources for the later legends of St Hilda
The Anglo-Saxon Saint Hilda of Whitby is known to us, not from legendary material, but from a first-rate historical source, Bede's History of the English Church and People. The ruined medieval abbey still stands on the cliff-top above the town, and there is still an Anglican order of nuns with a priory in...
#Hagiography #Saint Hilda
"St Brigid tricks the King of Leinster"
Michael Fry on YouTube
#lafeilebride #comedy #hagiography #brigid1500
"St Brigid tricks the King of Leinster"
Michael Fry on YouTube
#lafeilebride #comedy #hagiography
Higher Ed Needs More Grit
🤮 🤮 🤮
keep pulling on those bootstraps, kids...
hey #chatGPT write me a #hagiography
This chapter argues that tarjamat al-awliyāʼ —“the translation of the saints”—the medieval term for hagiography or sacred biography in Islam, is not a metaphor but an actual process of translation. Instead of translation from one language to another, the “translation of the saints” in hagiography is best understood as translation by means of interpretation, which is one of the meanings of the Arabic term tarjama . Theoretical concepts from the field of translation studies significantly enhance our understanding of the ways in which hagiography “translates” sainthood and promotes a sense of spirituality. Three “bridge concepts”— translation as representation , intercultural translation , and intersemiotic translation — are especially important in hagiographical narratives.
#hagiography #manāqib #translation #sacredbiography @islamicstudies
#oneabstractaday #hagiography #manāqib #translation #sacredbiography
Last night I went to ghost story party. Here's the story I told, about Saint Fridolin and Urso, the talking corpse.
Look what my book designer Alba Esteban (IG: @alesturadesign) sent me! I LOVE my book! Its my encyclopaedia of Irish female saints! Thanks to Alba, & my illustrator Matthew Jackson (IG: @mtthwjcksn_arts) for making it fantastic!
St Brigid & Other Amazing Irish Women out Jan! Pre-orders from Columba Books👇!
#saints #IrishSaints #religion #Catholic #Christianity #medieval #hagiography #women #womenshistory #herstory #church #ChurchHistory #book #amwriting #WritersLift
#saints #irishsaints #religion #catholic #christianity #medieval #hagiography #women #womenshistory #herstory #church #churchhistory #book #amwriting #writerslift
And in case you're wondering, we'll have some exciting news about our project soon! As a teaser: if you're into saints' lives, you won't want to miss it. #hagiography #MedievalStudies
As it’s St Edmund’s day, here’s a Lost in the Landscape piece from a few years back on Lyng Easthaugh near Norwich, rich in associations with the cult of St Edmund; also contains a haunted glacial erratic, a ruined chapel, a hollow way, midges, and plastic dinosaurs get a mention. Enjoy.
#StEdmund #hagiography #LostInALandscape
#lostinalandscape #hagiography #stedmund
Long ago, far away, there was a temple of commerce known as Honest Ed's ('s) This is my friend Randy helping me appreciate the spiritual and aesthetic qualities of some of the merch. Renaissance gesture and expression just come natural to him. This would have been about 20 years ago.
#HonestEds #Toronto #Ontario #Canada #hagiography #ThrowbackThursday #cosoPhotography
#cosophotography #ThrowBackThursday #hagiography #Canada #ontario #toronto #honesteds
Narrative Pattern and Genre in Hagiographic Life Writing: Comparative Perspectives from Asia to Europe examines so far mostly unstudied ‘non-occidental’ pre-modern hagiographic texts across disciplines with both philological and narratological approaches. Texts that recount the life of a saint have been labelled ‘hagiography’ and such works have been employed as sources for historical or literary research. However, a text-based definition of the term, not to mention a confirmation of its use on the basis of wider examinations across cultures is still wanting. This volume aims to be a step on this way: eleven contributors examine texts from Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism in the respective source languages. A comprehensive introduction outlines hagiographic life writing; an outlook develops some definitions and suggests a scheme of analysis for future research. #hagiography #narratology #narrativity
#narrativity #narratology #hagiography #oneabstractaday
Hi. My name's Alina. I like #words. I'm #fascinated by social constructions of purity and #innocence, and how those constructions relate to ideals of justice. I don't understand this planet at all but I will continue picking up #dirt and allowing it to #fall through my hands #again&again because everything begins in the unspeakable. Even #hagiography.
#words #fascinated #innocence #dirt #fall #again #hagiography