Vu qu'il y a eu au moins un mort à cause de cet utilisation à contre-emploi du RAID, je pensais que #darmanin allait démissionner
Aux gens qui se croient drôle en disant tient je viens de m'acheter ma première voiture je suis un.e méchant.e psychopathe : la réponse est t'es aussi drôle que le commandant du camps de concentration d'Auschwitz accueillant les déportés en leur montrant les cheminées fumantes et disant que c'est le seul moyen d'évasion.
Do you feel like your life is a soap opera? Do you feel like everyone is watching your every move? Did your newborn baby suddenly become 5 years old overnight? Then he or she may be suffering from... Soap opera rapid aging syndrome. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soap_opera_rapid_aging_syndrome #humor #tvTropes #hahaha #television 👶📺🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂📀☆🎥⋆。𖦹🎞️°‧…
#television #hahaha #tvtropes #Humor
Too good not to share the greatest post ever on this subject, even if @ZackBornstein only posted this on, uh, another site:
Struggling to figure out how 8 billionaires who want to replace workers with robots are losing the narrative to 10,000 professional storytellers and the 150,000 hottest people in the world
#hollywood #strikes #ai #writers #actors #hahaha
美国国家气象局(NWS)统计数据显示,人一生(80岁)中遭受雷击的概率为1/13500,其中男性被击中的可能性是女性的5倍,雷击致死的人中,大约有85%是男性。 #hahaha
https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2023/07/19/teen-suicide-plummeted-during-covid-19-school-closures-new-study-finds/ #hahaha
#People who are into #incest, #beastiality and all sorts of other #disgusting #taboo illegal #sex shit #DNI!
#You #obviously forget your #health #mentally and #physically is at #risk if you take part in a lot of that.
#ausgov #politas #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #antifascism #hahaha #haha #haha #ha !
#people #incest #beastiality #disgusting #taboo #sex #dni #you #obviously #health #mentally #physically #risk #AusGov #politas #auspol #tasgov #taspol #antifascism #hahaha #haha #ha
Yesterday's drawing with a migraine with&no meds...
Failure IV. About 90% done and in only 4.7 hours, but, big blank gap near the end. Nope, the pen had ink in it!
Also, none of the four failures were of the correct drawing. The intended drawing has more line as an order of magnitude!
Also, the previous failures were all cast in curves. The intended drawing has curves splines and whole sections made form joined differently circles (think a flattened spring spiral).
It would be terrible if germaphobe Trump got head lice while in custody in NYC today.
#TrumpArraignment #Hahaha