Summer 1996, driving alone through Austin on my way to Dallas, the sun had set but the western sky was still held hints of red. The east was already dark. Lights along the open freeway rolled past while my arm rested in the open window. As I watched the day’s embers grow dim, my car radio started playing “Nutshell” by Alice in Chains. It was a moment which I still think about so many years later.
Day fades away
tires sing in harmony
with the guitar
#Haibun #Haiku #MastoPrompt (guitar)
True story (background — we're deep in the woods; it's very shady):
"Mistake" —
Thoughtlessly I bought
Nectarine trees years ago
They are delicious
July 18, 2023
Have a good day.
#photography #photo #poetry #micropoetry #poem #haiku #haibun #senyru #haiga #shahai
#photography #photo #poetry #micropoetry #poem #haiku #haibun #senyru #haiga #shahai
With the destruction of the U.S.’s stockpile of chemical weapons, Royal Rhodes looks back at the painting “Gassed” by John Singer Sargent and writes for @NewVerseNews an ekphrastic #haibun. https://bit.ly/3pxbSj3
Bella Italia
Nicht an Rom, Venedig oder den Vesuv denken. Bella Italia liegt an einer großen Kreuzung im Ruhrgebiet. Schilder zeigen zur Autobahn. Die Gäste sitzen draußen. Andere holen Pizza in Kartons.
Die Baustelle.
Noch zwei Bier
wird heute gerufen.
un mio #haibun –piccolo diario di viaggio, in prosa e poesia, in #Grecia nell'aprile 2019
dal mio blog
a haibun by Kati Mohr published at The Other Bunny https://theotherbunny.blog/2023/06/12/the-visit/
I've been rereading Chris La Tray's "Descended from a Travel-worn Satchel," which is a collection of #haiku and #haibun. I was of course familiar with haiku from school, but this was my first real introduction to haibun as a genre. It is very appealing to me and might be something I try to do.
I've always liked when #Thoreau will mix lines of #poetry in with his prose, especially when the sentence is left unfinished and the poem or verse completes it.
#haiku #haibun #Thoreau #poetry #writingcommunity
News hardened
They turn past the carnage
To the comics
No image today. Any image I could think of would be too triggering. Whether it be gun violence, voter suppression, depots running amuck, or violation of minority rights. Let's turn to the comics.
#575Prompt @aethelshane #hardened
#Haiku #Senyru #FreeHaiku #Haibun @freehaiku
#575prompt #hardened #haiku #senyru #freehaiku #haibun #poliical
Eat to the Beat
Blonde Talking Heads
Playing memories
I was working on the factory floor the first time I heard this. Those of us with more "progressive" taste in music were floored. New Wave had arrived.
#DailyHaikuPrompt #memory
#Haiku #Senyru #FreeHaiku @freehaiku
#Haibun #SmallStories #NewWave #Blonde
#dailyhaikuprompt #memory #haiku #senyru #freehaiku #haibun #smallstories #newwave #blonde
#Haibun –piccolo diario di viaggio, in prosa e poesia, in #Grecia nell'aprile 2019
Atene, 29 aprile
Tornare a casa. Tornare dall'aldilà.
Dei luoghi ripercorsi dopo tanti anni, serberò un nuovo ricordo: il bassorilievo funerario «Madre e creatura», come dico io, al museo nazionale.
Vita che ho conosciuta.
l'eco d'un pianto
si torna a partire –
la primavera
#haibun #grecia #comeoggi #liketoday
#Haibun –piccolo diario di viaggio, in prosa e poesia, in #Grecia nell'aprile 2019
Meteora, 27 aprile
«Donne con la gonna» –“come mettere le ciabattine in Giappone”, mi si dice; forse la turista che ama il «costplay» si assoggetterà.
Entro, in calzoni neri, solo nel monastero femminile di Santo Stefano.
lo stesso cielo
in cammino col sole
la nostra ombra
#haibun #grecia #comeoggi #liketoday
North of Goyder’s Line
We tour the region north of Goyder’s Line and it hits me that here is a foreshadowing of the climate crisis to come; townships that used to house 600 were reduced to a couple of aged and cracking official buildings, monuments to human hubris. For sure, technology ensured that the regions were populated again but I’m not sure if we learned anything.
cracked ashphalt
a pepper tree sprouts
in centre court
#haibun #Haiku #HaikuADay #FreeHaiku @freehaiku
#freehaiku #haikuaday #haiku #haibun
#Haibun –piccolo diario di viaggio, in prosa e poesia, in #Grecia nell'aprile 2019
Delfi, 25 aprile
La festa della liberazione dai fascisti italiani –anche se pur meno tremendi dei nazisti tedeschi, mi si dice.
Mio padre venne fatto prigioniero da queste parti; chissà se l'oracolo ha una risposta per me.
il cuore nero
nutrirsi delle pietre
d'ogni stagione
#haibun #grecia #comeoggi #liketoday
#Haibun –piccolo diario di viaggio, in prosa e poesia, in #Grecia nell'aprile 2019
Capo Sunio, 24 aprile
Dall'alto si può scorgere Makronisos (“isola lunga”), confino per prigionieri politici fino al 1974, con i Colonnelli.
Col pensiero l'oltrepasso ad est per arrivare a Lesbo, confino europeo per migranti.
sfiorar in volo
il pane quotidiano
come gabbiano
#haibun #grecia #comeoggi #liketoday
#Haibun –piccolo diario di viaggio, in prosa e poesia, in #Grecia nell'aprile 2019
Atene, 23 aprile
Non ho potuto non dare una moneta alla vecchia rom lamentosa, senza piedi, accomodata apposta sul marciapiede dai suoi...
Ma per l'anziana mendicante discreta e silenziosa ho provato solo grande imbarazzo.
capelli bianchi –
nella mano preghiera
di primavera
#haibun #grecia #comeoggi #liketoday