no Motivation;
the deep Well of Despondence:
Stormy Weather Mood.
#Haiku #Haikoot #MentalHealth
Introducing #HaiQu which is a form of #HaikuFlarf or #FlarfHaiku
i copy interesting phrases form my Mastodon timeline and add them to a list. periodically, i compose a haiku by selecting three collected phrases
#haiqu #haikuflarf #flarfhaiku #haikoot
on moving to Town:
“Don’t tell Neighbors you’re Jewish.”
Sage Advice from Friend.
#Haiku #TrueStory #Antisemitism #Safety #NeverAgain #Haikoot
#haiku #truestory #antisemitism #safety #neveragain #haikoot
put on your Armor,
queue “Welcome To The Jungle “.
#haiku #children #parenthood #haikoot
between the Extremes
of “Good” and “Bad” is Where
your Life will play out.
#Haiku #LifeChoices #Semantics #ChooseYourOwnAdventure #Haikoot
#haiku #lifechoices #semantics #chooseyourownadventure #haikoot
a CisHet White Male,
through an Accident of Birth:
I’m Privileged.
#haiku #observations #racism #haikoot
Northwest morning
Chocolate caramel swirls
#poetry #poem #micropoem #micropoetry #haiku #haikoot
Scrounging crow,
pecking at litter.
Runs from cars
#poetry #PoetryCommunity #poem #MicroPoetry #MicroPoem #haiku #Haikoot
#poetry #poetrycommunity #poem #micropoetry #micropoem #haiku #haikoot
where is your Hope, now?
was it all a Waste of Time?
#Haiku #Death #ClimateCrisis #TechnologyHasNoMoralCompass #CapitalismKills #Consumerism #Religion #LifeChoices #ThisWillNotEndWell #Haikoot
#haiku #death #ClimateCrisis #technologyhasnomoralcompass #capitalismkills #consumerism #religion #lifechoices #thiswillnotendwell #haikoot
“maybe we’re *not* Fucked..?”
“oh, we are Totally Fucked.”
…Our Climate Story.
#Haiku #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #WeAreFucked #Haikoot
#haiku #climatecatastrophe #ClimateCrisis #capitalismkills #wearefucked #haikoot
why do you show up,
when everyday’s a Shit-Show?
unlearn Helplessness.
#haiku #lifechoices #chooseyourownadventure #haikoot
“What is the verdict?”
I ask after a Long Wait.
#haiku #death #karma #questions #haikoot
Watering enough
It seems a traitorous act
Pulling the weed trees
#haiku #gardening #weeding #tools #gardenthoughts #haikoot
Bringer of Life, and
Feral Children Wrangler.
Happy Mother’s Day
quiet, empty streets,
“Cowboy” riding lawnmower;
Last Sunday of Spring.
#haiku #observations #RuralLife #haikoot
Four Years later-on,
growing in Debt and Knowledge;
“Pomp and Circumstance”.
#haiku #graduationday #college #highered #haikoot
“She passed away suddenly.”
Teenage Suicide.
#Haiku #TeenageSuicide #MentalHealth #Loss #LossUponLoss #Grief #BeKind #LifeIsShit #YouNeverReallyKnowWhatWarSomeoneElseIsLosing #Haikoot
#haiku #teenagesuicide #mentalhealth #loss #lossuponloss #grief #bekind #lifeisshit #youneverreallyknowwhatwarsomeoneelseislosing #haikoot