fear of dreamingthe night belongsto crows#haikufeels
engrossed in her iPhonemy granddaughter missesa shooting star#haikufeels
vindicationthe last cookieuntouched#haikufeels
daydreamingthe dog'sperky ears#haikufeels
Labor Day a fishing boat on quiet waters #haikufeels
morning meditationseeking outa quiet window#haikufeels
honor studentwalking homealone#haikufeels
approaching the microphonea cavalier attitudetoward truth#haikufeels
summer crusha 5-mile slowdownat the bridge#haikufeels
complacencya palm tree swaysin the breeze#haikufeels
electric bluethe wrong sideof the tracks#haikufeels
modern alchemyturning deceitinto gold#haikufeels
basking in the splendorof probable sunshine#haikufeels
harassment trainingthe dog barely restrainedby a leash#haikufeels
roused from sleepI try not to wakethe dog#haikufeels
driven to tearsplenty of parkingat the chile fiesta#haikufeels
up all nightthe phantom streetlight#haikufeels
outside Fenway Parkevery hot dog standis the best in town#haikufeels
Caribbean casualmy unmatched sandals#haikufeels
arrogant arithmeticI divide infinityby zero#haikufeels