I don't understand
why you think you need to see
my middle finger
straight across four lanes
leaving a trail of brake lights
we can't have nice things
osprey clutching fish
skims above the bridge and us
you are on your phone
what's down in your lap
that's more important than
two tons of metal?
bump ba bump ba bump
you must be learning to drive
please tell me that's it
your high beams are on
driving into morning sun
knife to a gunfight
I'm in a crosswalk
and you're in a pickup
and that's a stop sign
the part where you check
your traffic app when it's slow
is what makes it slow
spacious vehicle
can I bum a ride when you
crowd me off the road?
For about a week in 2016, way back when I was a #motorcycle #commuter, I developed the mental exercise of writing and memorizing a haiku in my head, as I was riding, to memorialize bad drivers I'd encountered. I stopped because I realized I was developing an even worse attitude than usual, but for a week or so, #HaikuForShittyDrivers was a thing in my FB timeline.
#motorcycle #commuter #haikuforshittydrivers