Lauren Boebert speaks
Marjorie Taylor Greene speaks
Lemmings jump off cliffs
Doesn’t like it when things are priceless, can’t sell them.
#MastoPrompt #smallpoems #haikufriday #haiku
Hey it’s #Haiku time.
Fuzzy gold catkins,
First splash of spring, swish beneath
An ocean of sky
#photography #nature #poetry #haikufriday #haiku
a well wrought poem
about the wrought iron fence
I grew up behind
#MastoPrompt #haikufriday #smallpoems #haiku
I don’t believe
In curses, or in the cursed
But sometimes I curse
#MastoPrompt #haikufriday #smallpoems
Unfathomable expanse,
Parallel worlds in endless dance,
Limitless in scope
#haiku #haikufriday #wanderlust
#haiku #haikufriday #wanderlust
yearning to outlive
his notions belied by fate
drifting out to sea
#haikufriday #writingcommunity #writing #haiku
Keep an open mind
Stay curious, ask questions,
Keep your hands open
#open #MastoPrompt #haikufriday #haiku #smallpoems
there are two days left
have you done all you said
you would do, why not?
#haiku #haikufriday #smallpoems
Snow is falling. Hard.
It's beautiful to look at
From inside the house...
The finest of mirth
is a better unguent
for a newborn king.
#MastoPrompt #haiku #HaikuFriday "mirth" #Micropoetry #ShortPoems
#MastoPrompt #haiku #haikufriday #micropoetry #shortpoems #smallpoems
not a holy birth
Not presents under a tree
Being with you, Mirth
#MastoPrompt #haiku #HaikuFriday #smallpoems #ChristmasEveEve
#mirth #MastoPrompt #haiku #haikufriday #smallpoems #christmaseveeve
My #name is alex
To mom it’s Alexander
Just don’t call me Al
#MastoPrompt #haiku #HaikuFriday #smallpoems
#name #MastoPrompt #haiku #haikufriday #smallpoems
given to sudden
and unaccountable change
of mood or action
#MastoPrompt #capricious #haiku #haikufriday #smallpoems #definitions
Midday two cats doze.
The phone stays quiet, too. Are
all my friends asleep?
#haikufriday #haikupoem
Old man with a cane
As harmless as a shadow
In December sun.
-- Gene Heller wrote this #haikufriday
Happy #HaikuFriday! #FridayFeeling
RT Stay in the moment.
Be brave and face all your fears.
Positive change here.