haikudujour 11
Les diatribes
Jupiter n’en pouvait mais
Crie: quarante-neuf-trois
#haiku #penseepositive #citation #poesie #inspiration #haïku #haikupoetry #haikupoem #maxime #motto #maletre #endeuxlignes #ecriturecreative #ecritureintuitive #twolinespoetry #haikulibre #ecriture #écrire #poesiefrancaise
#haiku #penseepositive #citation #poesie #inspiration #HaikuPoetry #haikupoem #maxime #motto #maletre #endeuxlignes #ecriturecreative #ecritureintuitive #twolinespoetry #haikulibre #ecriture #ecrire #poesiefrancaise
Good question Bryan!
I’m only really interested in non5/7/5 haiku as per #Frogpond and #ModernHaiku
So far I’ve just been tagging my posts with a simple #haiku tag most of the time but these posts tend to get drowned out by people writing 5/7/5 haiku and haiku-bots posting automatically generated nonsense
I’m not aware of any tags that would serve the purpose at the moment
Maybe if we can come up with an appropriate hashtag we can create a group and link posts about non5/7/5 haiku to the group
#frogpond #modernhaiku #haiku #freehaiku #haikulibre