#Psalm 21
You, LORD, bless the king:
trusting you, he'll not be moved.
Woe betide his foes.
#haikupsalter #Psalm #psalter #haiku
#Psalm 10
Evil's on the prowl,
boasting of impunity.
Rise, LORD, intervene!
#haikupsalter #Psalm #psalter #haiku
#Psalm 9
I will testify:
despots fall, but you reign on.
LORD, remember me!
#haikupsalter #Psalm #psalter #haiku
#Psalm 8
Your glory resounds!
Moon and stars your handiwork;
yet you give us voice.
#haikupsalter #Psalm #psalter #haiku
#Psalm 4
Sometimes you're distant.
I can only sit, and serve.
But I won't lose faith.
#haikupsalter #Psalm #psalter #haiku
#Psalm 2
Tyrants vainly scheme;
mocking them, the LORD says: See!
Zion's king, my Son.
#haikupsalter #Psalm #psalter #haiku
#Psalm 1
Trees beside a stream,
fruitful in their own season:
the LORD's Law their sap.
#haikupsalter #Psalm #psalter #haiku
Back in Lent 2021 I wrote a #haiku for each of the 150 #psalms in the Bible.
It turned out to be for me an important and helpful devotional exercise. Some offered a précis of the Biblical text; others picked out and played with a particular theme from the source material; in a few cases the haiku became a kind of response to (or even critique of) the Psalmist's words.
Starting tomorrow I'll be reposting this #HaikuPsalter here - [CORRECTION] five posts a week, each Monday to Friday.
The people have spoken! Both of them. Unfortunately they didn't agree with each other. So I think the fairest way forward is the option which neither of them chose!
Starting from 2 January, I'll be posting a #psalm in #haiku form each weekday.
I'll say a little more about this little #HaikuPsalter project nearer the time.
The people have spoken! Both of them. Unfortunately they didn't agree with each other. So I think the fairest way forward is the option which neither of them chose!
Starting from 2 January, I'll be posting a #psalm in #haiku form each weekday.
I'll say a bit more about this little #HaikuPsalter project nearer the time.