In a weird replay of life, it was my mum who first told me of the loss of Columbia, calling me that Saturday afternoon.
She did the same when Challenger was lost in 1986. Weird how things like that repeat themselves. #STS107
20 years today. As Bob Crippen (the pilot of STS-1) said in his memorial speech about the crew...
Hail Rick, Hail Willie, Hail Laurel, Hail Dave, Hail Kalpana, Hail Michael, Hail Ilan, #HailColumbia
RT @ChrisG_NSF
20 years ago today. Rick, Willie, Kaplan, Laurel, Mike, Dave, & Illan launched on Columbia & STS-107 on a 16 day international microgravity research mission dedicated to bettering life on Earth. I remember this day & this launch like it was yesterday. Like it was yesterday.
It's 20 years ago today that I defended my PhD thesis. It's also the 20th anniversary of the final launch of Columbia. The combination of both makes it a bittersweet memory. #STS107 #HailColumbia