I don't post much about hair, but ofc it's important and I love looking at different styles. This one is definitely beautiful. 💖
Elle: This Corset Braid Is the Best of Balletcore
https://herbalremedies.one/herbs-for-hair-growth/ When you look good you feel good, and your attitude matches. You also draw better experiences to yourself, so how you look and feel really does matter! Nothing wrong with balding or grey hair (gray hair) at all, I personally prefer to only have a little on the sides but full color hair on the rest of my head and facial hair (when I wear it.) I've tried everything and really only two things worked well for me that keep my hair full and thick (and it's natural color), essential oils rubbed into the hair shaft and a catalase prohibitor herb called Fo-Ti (or a blend with horsetail, catalase and biotin. Black seed oil is also helpful if you take it regularly. I also use organic essential oils topically instead of any gel or spray and it works great in getting rid of 80-90% of the gray hair naturally. #hair #hairloss #alopecia #hairgrowth #balding
#hair #hairloss #alopecia #hairgrowth #balding
https://www.wacoca.com/media/206371/ 三千円の使いかた【夏の大撮影祭】第一弾 #2023WinterDrama #2023冬ドラマ #3人 #hair #Make #stylist #おもひで製作所 #お笑い #カメラ #カメラマン #グループ #コラボ #コント #スタイリスト #ツッコミ #とりま #とりまフリスペ集合で #なんでもします #ばか #はやて #フリスペ #ヘア #ヘアメイク #ポートレート #ボケ #まさる #まさる。 #まつもってぃ #メイク #モデル #三千円の使いかた #企画 #俳優 #動画編集 #啓太 #大阪 #暑い #松本 #池尻 #漫才 #被写体 #関西 #集合 #黒さん #黒嶋
#2023winterdrama #2023冬ドラマ #3人 #hair #make #stylist #おもひで製作所 #お笑い #カメラ #カメラマン #グループ #コラボ #コント #スタイリスト #ツッコミ #とりま #とりまフリスペ集合で #なんでもします #ばか #はやて #フリスペ #ヘア #ヘアメイク #ポートレート #ボケ #まさる #まつもってぃ #メイク #モデル #三千円の使いかた #企画 #俳優 #動画編集 #啓太 #大阪 #暑い #松本 #池尻 #漫才 #被写体 #関西 #集合 #黒さん #黒嶋
It's great having thin hair, it dries really quickly.
#beingslightlysilky #ThoughtOfTheDay #hair
Contestants at the first longest hair competition in Lithuania, 1992
Monika buzz cut
This one was requested by Hatsoonmiku.
My fineliner died before finishing this drawing, so contour lines are made with just pencil. This was supposed to be Monika from Dokie Dokie Literature Club getting a haircut. I'm not really good at drawing existing characters. The hairdresser is a general NPC.
Ah another #lightskinned one :P
Then again I have ashblonde / brunette lockies, so I'm a bit different in that regard.
Good to see it only #tickles.
I always thought #laser #hair removal was extremly hardcore 😿
#lightskinned #tickles #laser #hair
A Friday treat! 😂
"She also usually keeps it braided because her mullet is longer than she is tall...."
Tennessee woman sets record for world’s longest female #mullet https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/01/longest-female-mullet-record-tennessee #hair
#fanart #nsfw #sketch #drawing #rule34 #necoarc #neco_arc #hentai #smallchest #smallbreast #breast #nipple #neco #cat #pussy #cunny #hair
#fanart #nsfw #sketch #drawing #rule34 #Necoarc #neco_arc #hentai #smallchest #smallbreast #breast #nipple #neco #cat #pussy #cunny #hair
Retro SciFi Film of the Week…
Mars Attacks (1998)
This one’s really weird. It makes fun of all those 1950s science fiction films, showing many of the common tropes and stock characters, but turning them into gags. There's a lot of graphic violence portrayed in a comedic style in this movie which was kind of a new phenomenon at the time it came out, at least for a major Hollywood scifi.
*****SPOILERS: The attached unauthorized trailer contains spoilers and graphic violence.*****
The gags in this film will make you laugh, but they’ll also erode your empathy and moral compass, so watch at your own risk.
#science #fiction #ScienceFiction #SciFi #FTW #sfftw #film #movie #space #spaceship #UFO #UAP #1950s #Helicopters #military #hair #1990s #hand #dog
accessible description:
Video opens with a new-age woman holding a crystal sitting on top of a car wearing new-age attire, and overlooking a huge crowd of people off in the distance who are gathered around a landing pad out in the middle of the desert. A sign says Welcome To Earth, there are a couple of news reporters giving on-the-spot news reports. The woman reporter is carrying a little chihuahua, a flying saucer comes down, it's landing gear extends and it sets down, then a big long ramp unrolls, there's a red carpet waiting for the aliens to come out, then cut to the president looking at his TV Set as an alien comes out of the spaceship, the alien talks in an alien language and a geeky guy translates it with some goofy machine, everybody smiles when the translation says “We Come in Peace”, then a hippie releases a dove and the dove flies overhead and the alien shoots down the dove with a laser, frying it to a crisp. Then the aliens start shooting all of the people and the soldiers who are in 1950s style jeeps and tanks. Quick cut to a guy in a Las Vegas casino who says “whoa”, one of the soldiers runs towards the alien carrying a gun and yelling, one of the reporters runs across and falls on the ground, crawls over to the other reporter, and they reach out to grab each other's hands, the camera shows the woman reaching and grabbing the guy's hand, then an alien fires a laser and cut back to the woman with the guy’s hand but the rest of the reporter is missing, it's just his hand cut off at the wrist. the woman drops the hand in shock then the little chihuahua quickly walks up and grabs the hand by a finger and drags it away, and only a skeleton of the reporter remains because he got shot by the alien. The aliens gather up some things and fly away and the new-age woman sits on top of her car in shock overlooking a scorched empty desert with no people left.
#science #fiction #sciencefiction #1990s #hand #scifi #ftw #sfftw #film #movie #space #spaceship #ufo #uap #1950s #helicopters #military #hair #dog
Retro SciFi Film of the Week…
Mars Attacks (1998)
This one’s really weird. It makes fun of all those 1950s science fiction films, showing many of the common tropes and stock characters, but turning them into gags. There's a lot of graphic violence portrayed in a comedic style in this movie which was kind of a new phenomenon at the time it came out, at least for a major Hollywood scifi.
The gags in this film will make you laugh, but they’ll also erode your empathy and moral compass, so watch at your own risk.
SPOILERS: The attached unauthorized trailer contains spoilers.
#science #fiction #ScienceFiction #SciFi #FTW #sfftw #film #movie #space #spaceship #UFO #UAP #1950s #Helicopters #military #hair #1990s #hand #dog
accessible description:
Video opens with a new-age woman holding a crystal sitting on top of a car wearing new-age attire, and overlooking a huge crowd of people off in the distance who are gathered around a landing pad out in the middle of the desert. A sign says Welcome To Earth, there are a couple of news reporters giving on-the-spot news reports. The woman reporter is carrying a little chihuahua, a flying saucer comes down, it's landing gear extends and it sets down, then a big long ramp unrolls, there's a red carpet waiting for the aliens to come out, then cut to the president looking at his TV Set as an alien comes out of the spaceship, the alien talks in an alien language and a geeky guy translates it with some goofy machine, everybody smiles when the translation says “We Come in Peace”, then a hippie releases a dove and the dove flies overhead and the alien shoots down the dove with a laser, frying it to a crisp. Then the aliens start shooting all of the people and the soldiers who are in 1950s style jeeps and tanks. Quick cut to a guy in a Las Vegas casino who says “whoa”, one of the soldiers runs towards the alien carrying a gun and yelling, one of the reporters runs across and falls on the ground, crawls over to the other reporter, and they reach out to grab each other's hands, the camera shows the woman reaching and grabbing the guy's hand, then an alien fires a laser and cut back to the woman with the guy’s hand but the rest of the reporter is missing, it's just his hand cut off at the wrist. the woman drops the hand in shock then the little chihuahua quickly walks up and grabs the hand by a finger and drags it away, and only a skeleton of the reporter remains because he got shot by the alien. The aliens gather up some things and fly away and the new-age woman sits on top of her car in shock overlooking a scorched empty desert with no people left.
#ftw #fiction #sfftw #movie #space #spaceship #ufo #uap #hand #scifi #1950s #helicopters #military #hair #1990s #dog #science #sciencefiction #film
Original: Not posted yet
Amazing Pin-up image of myself~ I would love that belly to get rubbed!
Art © https://www.furaffinity.net/user/Archivist-Kayl
Chakat Jaggerfrost © myself https://www.furaffinity.net/user/chakat-jaggerfrost
#feline #chakat #snow #leopard #snep #herm #Jaggerfrost #Jagger #bell #collar #green #silver #purple #blue #grey #hair #taur #hermaphrodite
#feline #chakat #snow #leopard #snep #herm #jaggerfrost #jagger #bell #collar #green #silver #purple #blue #grey #hair #taur #hermaphrodite
TheOnion: Length Of Man’s Facial Hair Directly Proportional To How Much Friends, Family Should Be Worried https://www.theonion.com/length-of-man-s-facial-hair-directly-proportional-to-ho-1850784022?utm_source=regular #humaninterest #facialhair #humanhair #hair
#humaninterest #facialhair #humanhair #hair
Retro SciFi Film of the Week…
Dark Star (1974)
This started out as a college film, which was actually pretty good quality for a college film, but then some movie exec found out about it and got the rights to it and added a bunch of material to bring it up to a feature length film. Then a distributor got hold of it and put it in theaters. So, it was it was a nice college film but a really lousy commercial release.
Here are some sample clips from the film which illustrate the pacing problems that the film has. Apparently the college version was even slower paced than this theatrical release. It got released on VHS about a decade later and actually had quite a few sales/rentals and now people are calling it a cult classic.
It's funny to watch with a lot of geek humor, if you’ve got the time.
#science #fiction #ScienceFiction #SciFi #FTW #sfftw #independent #film #movie #space #spaceship #collegefilm #NoHelicopters #military #hair #1970s #BeachBall
accessible description:
Open with a computer screen that says “To scout ship Dark Star, Galactic sector”; Cut to an image guy in a uniform who is shown on a black and white video screen talking to the camera, there are real-to-real computer storage units in the background; then cut to a space scene with the Dark Star ship slowly moving past the camera and then moving towards a planet; then cut to a guy laying on some patio furniture in a small room, he is wearing huge sunglasses as if he's getting a suntan and another guy comes into the room dragging a big heavy metal door which he places up against an opening; then cut to a guy standing in a dark room with some blurry special effects in the background and a giant beach ball drops from the ceiling down onto the floor and starts making some alien noises and the guy talks to the beach ball; then cut to the beach ball again and a guy hanging in an air duct of some sort then cut to a sign that says emergency airlock interior door; then cut to a sign that says caution laser, then the beach ball forces open a door where the laser is; then cut to some guys with long 1970s hair sitting around playing cards and talking about intelligent life; then cut to an image of a planet slowly getting larger and a ship is approaching the planet and a guy says “There she is.”
#science #fiction #sciencefiction #scifi #ftw #sfftw #independent #NoHelicopters #military #hair #1970s #film #movie #space #spaceship #collegefilm #beachball
I'm pretty sure if I was tracking the number of days elapsed between when my nose #hair needs trimming, I'd be getting progressively more alarmed about #aging.
#HumansAreGross #hairy #Grooming #NotThatKind #old #ThisIsForty
#thisisforty #old #notthatkind #grooming #hairy #humansaregross #aging #hair