Whiffy Recon Can Track Your Physical Location
This malware can track your location, Messenger will soon be encrypted by default, and a financial firm is hit with sim swapping!
Android 14 Vs Stingrays
40 Million Exposed In a UK cyber attack, Android 14 stops Stingrays, and CPUs across brands are susceptible to hacks!
I got back from Vegas yesterday and I've just unpacking my suitcase, and with it, the tangible evidence of Defcon's cave of wonders. My gear bag has a new essential: #Hak5's malicious cable detector, a little USB gizmo that lights up if it detects surreptitious malicious activity, even as it interdicts those nasty payloads:
Stealing Keystrokes With Sound
Stealing keystrokes via sound, APT31 targets air gapped ICS, and versioning is being used in real world android attacks!
This Android Malware Can Use OCR To Steal Data
This Android Malware Can Use OCR To Steal Data, The SEC Will Require Hack Disclosures in 4 Days, and Almost 1 Million Routers are Vulnerable to Hacks!
#hak5 #Malware #Android #threatwire
What is the Cyber Trust Mark? & Major ColdFusion & Microsoft Exchange Hacks Underway!
#MicrosoftExchange #coldfusion #hak5 #threatwire
Bash Bunny: SSH + Internet
Für die Erstellung komplexerer Payloads ist nicht nur der Zugriff auf den Speicher des Bash Bunny im „Arming Mode“ erforderlich, sondern auch ein Terminalzugriff. Der Zugriff auf den Bash Bunny kann sehr einfach über die serielle Schnittstelle erfolgen. In diesem Artikel zeige ich, wie der Zugriff per SSH möglich ist und dabei eine gemeinsam genutzte Internetv
#hackinghardware #bashbunny #hak5
Amazon FINED For Privacy Violations
This MacOS flaw can bypass security protections, Russia Accuses the US of hacking iPhones, and Amazon is hit with a fine for privacy violations
#Amazon #macOS #hak5 #threatwire
KeePass Master Passwords Could Be Stolen
TP-Link home routers are being targeted in attacks, stealing master passwords from KeePass, and these end of life smart plugs can get hacked!
#tplink #keepass #hak5 #threatwire
Malicious OAuth Apps Hide Themselves In Plain Sight
What is a double supply chain attack? Cisco routers are being hit with attacks, and hiding malicious apps from view!
WiFi Pineapple Enterprise: Hardware für WLAN-Penetrationstests
Die WiFi Pineapple Enterprise ist eine leistungsstarke Hardware, die für die effiziente Durchführung von WLAN-Penetrationstests entwickelt wurde. Im Vergleich zur „normalen“ WiFi Pineapple ist die Enterprise Variante deutlich leistungsfähiger und 5G Wi-Fi wird direkt unterstützt. In m
#wifipineapple #hak5 #hackinghardware #cybersecurity
Ever seen the USB Rubber Ducky in Mr. Robot that looks like a flash drive plugged into a computer that injects keystrokes as if it's a human typing? This is the device from Hak5!
Here's an overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzcNYsIkPpM
#redteam #cybersectool #pentesting #usbrubberducky #hak5
Weiß jemand, wie lange es ungefähr dauert, bis beim Tracking von #Hak5 steht, dass die Bestellung im Shipping ist? Bei mir steht seit genau einer Woche "Order ready" als Status.
?? I don't remember buying this many but I have 3 #hak5 #SharkJack s... One is brand new still in unopened static bag...
I'll have to figure out what to do with them...
#hak5 #SharkJack #cybersecurity #hacking #hackinglab
Cerebral App Leaks Telehealth Medical Data
Cerebral was leaking personal info, security folks are being targeted in attacks, and GitHub will now require 2FA!
#GitHub #cerebral #hak5 #threatwire
I'm a little irked about a #signalowl incident where a #payload somehow disappeared from the device. I know it was there before I deployed the device because I connected and made sure it was there, but after returning with it to check the #loot it didn't have any and the payload.txt was missing.
Will need to investigate what I might have done wrong...
#signalowl #payload #loot #hak5 #hacking #cybersecurity #wifi #sigint
UEFI Bootkit Successfully Hits Windows 11
Gmail Now Gets Client Side Encryption (for some folks), a UEFI bootkit targets Windows 11, and the LastPass just got even worse!
#Lastpass #Windows #uefi #hak5 #threatwire
Now that I'm a little more comfortable with #linux and some #cybersecurity I'm getting back into playing with some #hak5 gear starting with my #signalowl.
Going to research some #bluetooth #payloads and whatever #sigint I can get to run on it and maybe have my son tuck it into his backpack and bring it to school for a day.
I have 2 and had fun tinkering with it but now I want to do more than just tinker.
It looks like it's a dead or dying platform. Hak5 no longer has them or lists them on their site.
#linux #cybersecurity #hak5 #signalowl #bluetooth #payloads #sigint
A one of a kind #Hak5 #WiFi #Coconut I am calling.
The WiFi Coconut Blade.
I broke my first WiFi Coconut and made it a mission to figure out how to enable all the of the WiFi radios via each antenna vs the single combination antenna I broke...
After 3D Printing, a ring of translucent material to allow for the LEDs to shine and 14 antennas and 14 cables I ordered from shady ebay places and TUN of Hot Glue - here we are...
#3DPrint #WiFi #Hak5 #Wireless #Prusa #Maker #MakersGonnaMake #MakerSpace #CAD
#hak5 #wifi #coconut #3dprint #wireless #prusa #maker #makersgonnamake #makerspace #cad