Dammit....#GuiltyGearStrive is becoming fun again. I might actually end up learning this MF.
Nago isn't as fun as #Hakumen was but he got high damage, meter management, and a big sword, and I'll never get another chance to play a black vampire ever again.
#guiltygearstrive #hakumen #niggariyuki #fgc #guiltygear
I revisited #blazbluecentralfiction with a friend and I'll have plenty of funny bloopers from that set. He swears my #Hakumen and #Marisa play similarly enough that he can draw a straight line from my play in #Blazblue to #StreetFighter
For my part, I've said since day one that i play Marisa as if Mila from #DeadOrAlive was inside the Hakumen suit.
I swear that logic makes sense in my head
#blazbluecentralfiction #hakumen #marisa #blazblue #streetfighter #deadoralive #fgc
@qtko If you play on PC, would you be down to run some sets? I played #Hakumen until taking an extended break from #fightinggames last year.
I agree that the mental part of a fighting game can be very fun and while i traditionally struggle with the mechanical execution side of the design, I've recently come to appreciate the ways in which that mechanical execution complicates the strategy in fun ways, like a more in depth version of accuracy in an RPG
Is #BBCF your main/only fighting game?