#SpaceX is standing down from Falcon 9's launch of #ispace's #HAKUTO-R Mission 1. A new target launch date will be shared once confirmed. https://www.spacex.com/launches/ispace-m1
Gizmodo: Spectacular Blast During Rocket Engine Test Marks Frustrating Setback for Japan https://gizmodo.com/explosion-rocket-engine-test-setback-japan-jaxa-1850640515 @news@lemmy.seedoubleyou.me #spaceprogramofjapan #googlelunarxprize #disasteraccident #spaceflight #epsilon #ispace #hakuto #jaxa
#spaceprogramofjapan #googlelunarxprize #disasteraccident #spaceflight #epsilon #ispace #hakuto #jaxa
Hackaday Links: June 4, 2023 - A report released this week suggests that 50 flights into its five-flight schedule... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/04/hackaday-links-june-4-2023/ #darksideofthemoon #hackadaycolumns #refractiveindex #hackadaylinks #perserverance #amateurradio #cryptography #interference #ingenuity #pinkfloyd #hakuto-r #physics #slider #decode #jezero #optics #prism #mars #seti #fcc #ham
#ham #fcc #seti #mars #prism #optics #jezero #decode #slider #physics #hakuto #pinkfloyd #ingenuity #interference #cryptography #amateurradio #perserverance #hackadaylinks #refractiveindex #hackadaycolumns #darksideofthemoon
Pensava di essere sulla superficie e invece era ancora a 5 km di altezza: a fare schiantare sulla #Luna il lander giapponese #HAKUTO-R è stato un malfunzionamento nel sistema che calcola l'altitudine
Space News: NASA located ispace’s lander that crashed into the Moon in the Hakuto-R mission. https://qz.com/nasa-found-the-japanese-moon-lander-that-crashed-into-t-1850465695 #ispace #moon #space #NASA #Lunar #Hakuto-R #crash #crashlanding #spaceflight
#ispace #moon #space #NASA #lunar #hakuto #crash #crashlanding #spaceflight
Ecco il punto di impatto sulla Luna del lander giapponese #Hakuto-R, che ha fallito l'allunaggio il 25 aprile. Lo ha fotografato la sonda Lunar Reconnaissance della Nasa
Vergangene Woche sollte eine Sonde des japanischen Start-ups Ispace auf dem Mond aufsetzen. Es wäre die erste Mondlandung eines privaten Unternehmens gewesen. Aber warum wollen Unternehmen eigentlich auf den Mond?
#DeutscheZentrumFürLuftUndRaumfahrt #Hakuto #Ispace #Mondlandung #Raumfahrt #Forschungsquartett
#deutschezentrumfurluftundraumfahrt #hakuto #ispace #mondlandung #raumfahrt #forschungsquartett
Het Witte Konijn versnelde onverwacht voor hij te pletter sloeg op de Maan
Het in Tokio gevestigde ispace is er sinds het uitvoeren van een landingspoging afgelopen dinsdag, niet in geslaagd de communicatie met zijn M1 lander te herstellen
#witkonijn #maanlander #maan #japan #ispace #hakuto
The Japanese mission #HAKUTO-R was supposed to land on the Moon 2 days ago, but it is now believed that the spacecraft crashed into the surface. This spacecraft was built by the privately funded company #ispace.
This failure follows on the crash of the #Beresheet lander on April 11 2019 that was built by the private Israeli company #SpaceIL.
This year we will see three more landing attempts by the private US companies #Astrobotics and #IntuitiveMachines.
#hakuto #ispace #beresheet #spaceil #astrobotics #intuitivemachines
I really wished the success of the #hakuto-r mission to the #Moon. But after it crashed, I wondered what will happen if the result of the current competition to return to the Moon is to actually increase the difficulty because of increasing the amount of junk in orbit? Is lunar exploration #sustainable?
The prosperity of our industrial societies is not only because our talent. It is also because we #consume #future assets to the next generations to be born.
#future #consume #sustainable #moon #hakuto
#Reuters 📆 April 26, 2023 #Japan's 🇯🇵 #ispace #MoonLander #Hakuto "apparently went into a free-fall towards the surface as it was running out of #fuel ⛽ to fire up its thrusters" https://www.reuters.com/technology/space/japans-ispace-prepares-worlds-first-commercial-lunar-landing-2023-04-25
#reuters #Japan #ispace #moonlander #hakuto #fuel
It's unfortunate that #ispace's #Hakuto-R moon lander likely crashed. Everything seemed like it was going as planned until they couldn't receive communication. It will be interesting to see what caused it if/when they figure it out.
From this update from ispace, it sounds like the HAKUTO-R lander ran out of fuel and could not slow down sufficiently before it met the moon.
#HAKUTO #ispace
There’s one black woman front and center in a sea of men.
I wonder who she is.