At first, it had been suspected that #HAKUTO_R had run out of fuel at the very last moment, which wouldn't have been any less tragic of course.
The current scenario, however, gives the team a much better opportunity to fine tune their systems and software.
That really is bad luck! ☹️ #HAKUTO_R
The team was not at fault at all.
"The private Japanese moon lander Hakuto-R crashed in late April during its milestone landing attempt because its onboard altitude sensor got confused by the rim of a lunar crater."
La Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) ha localizado en la Luna dónde impactó la nave #HAKUTO_R de
#HAKUTO_R engine shutdown occurred nearly 90 seconds too early, according to amateur radio analysis
RT @ea4gpz
This means that there is no need for additional explanations regarding the Doppler separation of the reflection. Accounting for the timestamp difference, all the data is more or less consistent with a final velocity of ~140m/s at the end of a ~90s free-fall. (2/2)
RT @ispace_inc
We would like to express our gratitude for the many messages of support and encouragement that we have received following our lunar landing attempt. It means a lot to have such a wonderful, global community cheering us on and believing in our vision. (1/2)
#HAKUTO_R, la sonda giapponese che doveva allunare, si è schiantata sul suolo lunare, perciò la missione è FALLITA.
Infatti, secondo ispace, la società giapponese che ha realizzato la sonda, la sonda è precipitata sulla superficie della #Luna dopo aver esaurito il carburante.
Mission Attempts Moon Landing, Falls Silent - Our latest post for Sky and Telescope on iSpace's #Hakuto_R mission, with updates: Here's the latest company statement: - Part of the legacy of the Google Lunar X Prize, iSpace was the 2nd alumni (after Israel's SpaceIL) to attempt a lunar landing. Perhaps, 2024 will be the charm for the space company...
RT @scinexx
Mondlandung der kommerziellen Hakuto-R-Sonde gescheitert. Unbemannte japanische Sonde stürzte beim Landeanflug auf die Mondoberfläche ab. #HakutoR #Mondsonde #HAKUTO_R #Mond #Raumfahrt #Mondlandung
#hakutor #mondsonde #hakuto_r #mond #raumfahrt #mondlandung
Mondlandung der kommerziellen Hakuto-R-Sonde gescheitert. Unbemannte japanische Sonde stürzte beim Landeanflug auf die Mondoberfläche ab. #HakutoR #Mondsonde #HAKUTO_R #Mond #Raumfahrt #Mondlandung
#hakutor #Mondsonde #hakuto_r #mond #raumfahrt #Mondlandung
I’m checking @ispace_inc’s own press conference held in Tokyo a few hours ago & it seems there’s a different scenario of #HAKUTO_R than English reports currently have now.
Per CEO (Takeshi Hakamada) & CTO (Ryo Ujiie), it seems there’s something wrong with the altitude readings.
RT @nhk_news
月面着陸 開発の民間企業が会見 “途中で燃料がつきて落下か” #nhk_news
La compagnia privata giapponese #ispace alza bandiera bianca: il lander #HAKUTO_R purtroppo è perduto. Nessun contatto. L'allunaggio non è riuscito. Probabilmente ha toccato il suolo a velocità troppo elevata. Si analizzano i dati per preparare le prossime missioni
I think with recent examples, we need to lower the expectations of payloads riding on @NASAArtemis CLPS lander missions to the Moon making it to their destinations.
Landing on big gravity wells - even ones without atmosphere - is hard.
RT @debapratim_
Farewell #Hakuto_R lander and Rashid rover. The spacecraft that had been sent to the Moon to explore in peace shall now rest in peace🕯
It seems the Japanese moon lander #hakuto_r crash during its attempt
"We have to assume that we could not complete the landing on the lunar surface."
Japanese startup #ispace tried to land its own spacecraft on the moon Wednesday, but flight controllers lost contact moments before touchdown #HAKUTO_R #press
#HAKUTO_R livestream has ended. Whatever the outcome (still unknown), still a great job! 頑張れ @ispace_inc
RT @ispace_inc
Our HAKUTO-R Mission 1 Lunar Lander was expected to land on the surface of the Moon at 1:40 am JST on April 26, 2023. At this time, our Mission Control Center in Tokyo has not been able to confirm the success of the lander. (1/2)