Ilargi-zunden lurreratze misioak 2023an:
#HakutoR 🇯🇵:🚀(2022-XII-11)🌕(IV-25) ❌
#Chandrayaan3 🇮🇳:🚀(VII-14)🌕(VIII-23)
#Luna25 🇷🇺:🚀(VIII-11)🌕(VIII-21/23)
#Slim 🇯🇵:🚀(VIII-26)🌕(?)
#NovaC 🇺🇸:🚀(IX)🌕(?)
#PeregrineMission1 🇺🇸:🚀(X)🌕(?)
#hakutor #chandrayaan3 #luna25 #slim #NOVAC #peregrinemission1 #Espazioa #ilargia
Japoniako #Ispace konpainiak, #HakutoR moduluaren ilargiratze saiakeraren berrikuspenaren emaitzan iragarri zuen, espaziontziaren softwareak oker kalkulatu zuela ilargiaren gainazaleko altuera (Ilargi-krater batek nahastu egin zuen) istripua eraginez.
#ispace #hakutor #Espazioa #ilargia
This Week In Spaceflight: China’s lunar plans, North Korea’s failed launch, and Starliner delays
Reviewing this week in spaceflight and upcoming events, it’s been another busy period. China now… The post This Week In Spaceflight: China’s lunar plans, North Korea’s failed launch, and Starliner delays appeared first on .
#Commercial #Featured #International #HakutoR #Long_March_10 #North_Korea #Starliner
#commercial #featured #international #hakutor #long_march_10 #north_korea #starliner
“During the period of descent, an unexpected behavior occurred with the lander’s altitude measurement. While the lander estimated its own altitude to be zero, or on the lunar surface, it was later determined to be at an altitude of approximately 5 kms above the lunar surface. After reaching the scheduled landing time, the lander continued to descend at a low speed until the propulsion system ran out of fuel. At that time, the controlled descent of the lander ceased, and it is believed to have free-fallen to the Moon’s surface.”
Krater zorgde voor neerstorten Japanse maanlander
De Japanse privé-maanlander Hakuto-R stortte eind april meer tijdens zijn landingspoging omdat de hoogtesensor aan boord in de war raakte door de rand van een maankrater. Ondanks de mislukte landing voltooide de lander met succes acht van de negen missiemijlpalen.
#maanlander #maankrater #japan #ispace #hakutor #crash
A press release from ispace on what happened to HAKUTO-R.
"ispace Announces Results of the "HAKUTO-R" Mission 1 Lunar Landing"
@MacropodCare Nothing to do with Musk really. Spacex launched it perfectly, but then Musk doesn't run day-to-day things there anyway. It is the superb President & COO Gwynne Shotwell who has made Spacex into the powerhouse it has become.
The HAKUTO-R crashed entirely under its own, evidently inadequate, steam.
The ispace team must keep trying. It's the only way.
#space #ispace #hakutor #spacex
#Space #ispace #hakutor #spacex
“Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum announces Moon mission to continue with Rashid Rover 2 announced 2023.”
#moon #RashidRover #uae #UAENews #Lunar #new #RashidRover2 #HAKUTOR #world #ShaikhRasheed #space #UAEspacemission #news
#moon #rashidrover #uae #uaenews #lunar #new #rashidrover2 #hakutor #world #shaikhrasheed #space #uaespacemission #news
Landungen auf dem Mond scheinen ein ziemlich schwieriges Unterfangen zu sein.
Das sehen sie sich im Artemis-Projekt sicher ganz genau an.
#Raumfahrt #Mond #ispace #HakutoR #Artemis
#raumfahrt #mond #ispace #hakutor #artemis
RT @scinexx
Mondlandung der kommerziellen Hakuto-R-Sonde gescheitert. Unbemannte japanische Sonde stürzte beim Landeanflug auf die Mondoberfläche ab. #HakutoR #Mondsonde #HAKUTO_R #Mond #Raumfahrt #Mondlandung
#hakutor #mondsonde #hakuto_r #mond #raumfahrt #mondlandung
"What would have been the first private #MoonLanding has ended in failure after Japanese startup #ispace lost contact with its lunar lander, as reported earlier by The Washington Post. As the #HakutoR Mission 1 lander inched closer to the #Moon’s surface, engineers found that they were no longer able to communicate with the spacecraft."
#Japan’s first Moon landing has ended in failure | #Space |The Verge
#space #japan #moon #hakutor #ispace #moonlanding
Mondlandung der kommerziellen Hakuto-R-Sonde gescheitert. Unbemannte japanische Sonde stürzte beim Landeanflug auf die Mondoberfläche ab. #HakutoR #Mondsonde #HAKUTO_R #Mond #Raumfahrt #Mondlandung
#hakutor #Mondsonde #hakuto_r #mond #raumfahrt #Mondlandung
Die versuchte Mondlandung des Ispace-Landers Hakuto-R, als erstem privaten Raumschiff auf dem Mond, sollte Geschichte schreiben. Doch die Mission ist gescheitert.
Mehr erfährst du im Artikel: 👉
#mondlandung #hakutor #mond #ispace
Hakuto-R: Private japanische Mondsonde "höchstwahrscheinlich" abgestürzt | heise online #Mondsonde #HakutoR
"iSpace: First private Moon landing likely to have failed
A Japanese company hoping to make history by carrying out the first private Moon landing says its mission is likely to have failed.
Communication was lost with the Hakuto-R lunar lander moments before it was due to touch down."
#ispace #hakutor #moon #japan #Space #spaceexploration
Dena aurreikusitakoaren arabera garatzen ari zen arren, Ispace misioaren kontrola #HakutoR ilargi-moduluarekin kontaktua galdu zuen, lurreratze unea baino 30 segundo lehenago.
Honekin batera #SoraQ errobota eta #Rashid Emirerri astromobila galdu dira.
#hakutor #soraq #rashid #Espazioa #ilargia
أثناء محاولة الهابطة القمرية اليابانية [هاكوتو-آر #HakutoR] والتي تحمل #الجوالة_راشد القمرية الإماراتية [#RashidRover] #الهبوط_على_القمر، فقد الاتصال معها على ارتفاع 90م فوق سطح القمر (فوهة أطلس)، في آخر 26 ثانية من عملية الهبوط وكانت سرعة نزولها 33كم/سا.
شاهد البث مع الشرح هنا:
#المستكشف_راشد #الهبوط_على_القمر #rashidrover #الجوالة_راشد #hakutor