Jewish Conversations · @JewishConversations
334 followers · 35 posts · Server

Traditional Judaism, based on our religious beliefs and , got caught in a tug of war between people moving to the religious far left or far right. In some communities was eliminated, while in others it became too strict. So this story here shows the Judaism that most of our ancestors had: A warm, loving still taught by the many wonderful we have learned from in all of our denominations. This is the way ❤️ 🔯


#kashrut #rabbis #judaism #halakhah

Last updated 2 years ago

Traditional Judaism, based on our religious beliefs and , got caught in a tug of war between people moving to the religious far left or far right. In some communities Jewish law was eliminated, while in others it became too strict. But this story here shows the Judaism that most of our ancestors had; a warm, loving still taught by the many wonderful I have learned from in all of our denominations.

#halakhah #judaism #rabbis #kashrut

Last updated 2 years ago

@chaimbenaharon @rochelle

Consider the hidden assumption - many Jewish people think that eating kosher requires eating only food with a heksher. Turns out that this has never been a requirement. In fact most Orthodox Jews who lived before 1960 have never heard of such an idea. They would have regarded such a view as extreme, and such stringencies violate the Mishnah in Yadayim and numerous other rules.

More details here -


#kashrut #halakhah

Last updated 2 years ago

Chaim Aronofsky · @chaimbenaharon
13 followers · 30 posts · Server

Many thanks for any and all thoughts, insights, references, debate, etc.! /end

#halakhah #ruraljudaism

Last updated 2 years ago

Chaim Aronofsky · @chaimbenaharon
13 followers · 25 posts · Server

Looking to start a discussion of around the challenges of . By discussion I mean to say that I’m not looking for an authoritative responsum, I’ll continue discussing these things with my rabbis, but looking for people’s understanding of the tradition. 1/

#halakhah #ruraljudaism #mazeldon #ruraljews

Last updated 2 years ago

@adar @breadbin @serge

You don't own _any_ of your books. When we read the agreement, we find that we effectively pay for a temporary license to read them, and can revoke that at any time, for any and all books. The Amazon Kindle sales structure is and based on deception. refers to this as Genivat Da’at – Misleading people (literally, “stealing one’s mind”)


#kindle #amazon #predatory #halakhah

Last updated 2 years ago

In there never was a mandatory 6 hour wait time between eating milk and meat. That idea is a more recent (1500's) chumra חומרה (stringency.) People of course may follow this, but they should also know the history. Ashkenazi Orthodox insist on this waiting time as binding. Other Jews disagree.

Details here. Iyun Halacha, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 5782/2021, Denver Kollel


#halakhah #kashrut #chumrot #jewishlaw #Kosher

Last updated 2 years ago

@sheepchase @imstilljeremy @mazeldon

The difference between Reform's view on halakhah and Conservative Judaism's is big. Even the most tradition respecting Reform rabbis (e.g. Washofsky ) hold that halakhah is subject to personal autonomy, i.e. Jews always have total autonomy over what to believe, or do, if anything.
In Conservative (and , and ) we see as our understanding of God's will and thus obligatory, even when differing on interpretations

#Sephardic #modernorthodox #halakhah

Last updated 2 years ago

Boshes HaBayis · @bosheshabayis
32 followers · 57 posts · Server @judaism @mazeldon

By any chance have you read any of these responsa/ position papers on this topic by Orthodox and Conservative rabbis? Have any of these been discussed in your community? There's been a lot of careful, deep thought on this issue by many thinkers over the last two generations.


#lgbt #responsa #halakhah

Last updated 2 years ago

There are a range of Jewish views on suicide, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. There is a surprising amount of agreement on the issue from across the denominational range - Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform -



#jewdiverse #Mazeldon #Jewniverse #jewish #judaism #jews #jewishstudies #Babka #torah #halakha #halakhah

Last updated 2 years ago

@judaism @mazeldon

It is sometimes assumed that to be pro-LGBT one must be against halakhah. However, that is not so - A Jewish person can still accept Torah as normative in a way that is inclusive. This idea is widely accepted in Masorti/Conservative Judaism, the Havurah movement, Masorti movement, and beginning to become accepted within parts of Orthodoxy


#lgbt #jewish #halakhah #Babka #judaism

Last updated 2 years ago