and here's a halal list.
#tootsea #singapore #food #halal
Omg. I used to go to this cart all the time when I lived around the corner. So good, but that is way too much hot sauce. 😂
Martin Heidegger a Lét és az Idő problémájáról
- Lét és halál
- Lelkiismeret
- Idő és halál
- Időbeliség
#Heidegger #filozófia #fenomenológia #lét #idő #halál #lelkiismeret
#heidegger #filozofia #fenomenologia #let #ido #halal #lelkiismeret
Penang neua kai dao sawng
#DiningWithDarryl #ThaiFood #Halal #StreetFood #FriedEggMafia #BeefyGoodness
#DiningWithDarryl #thaifood #halal #streetfood #friedeggmafia #beefygoodness
Kaprao neua kai dao #DiningWithDarryl #ThaiFood #StreetFood #Halal #Beef
#DiningWithDarryl #thaifood #streetfood #halal #beef
Work In Progress... Do Work... Always Do Work... #DoWork... 💪 #WorkInProgress #TeamRa #Ra #Ital #Halal #Kosher #Vegan #Prasad #Sattvic #Healthy #Food #LogoDesign #Typography #ReBranding #corporateidentity #BrandBook #RaBowls #RaFood #WIP
#DoWork #workinprogress #teamra #ra #ital #halal #kosher #vegan #prasad #sattvic #healthy #food #logodesign #typography #rebranding #corporateIdentity #brandbook #rabowls #rafood #wip
#Halal and #Kosher legislation trending. Proposed #ILLeg requires each school board to provide for a program by which both halal and kosher food options are offered in public school cafeterias by request.
Adventures as a new revert: on my way to the #Masjid for #Jumu’ah and a bird, likely a pigeon, pooped on clothing I really can’t remove.
WELL: I am taking #Maliki #Fiqh classes online for very short money at the excellent Safina Society of New Brunswick, NJ. I flailed in their WhatsApp group for a minute re: the predicament, then thought to check my class notes on the Ashmawiyyah, the basic beginner fiqh text in the #Maghrib for this #Madhab.
Sure enough, there’s a clear answer. If what pooped on you is #Halal to eat, its poop does NOT break physical impurity and if all other preconditions are met, you can go ahead with #Salat. Since I would happily make the culprit into squab if I could, I’m all set for jumu’ah.
Ofc I cleaned up in a café bathroom anyway because, ew.
#Masjid #jumu #maliki #fiqh #maghrib #madhab #halal #salat #islam
People are asking me about #Churros here in #Spain being #Halal or not... and I have to answer them that desserts and baked goods seem to be today's #1 hiding place for Occult Pork. Even churro dough is made with lard sometimes, although these days it's cheaper to use vegetable oils.
#Gelatine is a common ingredient that people aren't aware of in their desserts (pannacotta anyone?), and in Spain that does not come from cows.
#churros #spain #halal #gelatine
C. Is a bolt gun to the head painless and without suffering? Sure it's better than #kosher or #halal (right? 🙃 ) but is it completely painless and without suffering? Wouldn't a philosopher with 50 years of ethics and morality experience question this assumption of a 'painless kill'? Is one second of pain equivalent to no pain? Does that mean one punch in the face for a second is ok?
D. Are they really 'allies'? Or are they 'enemies'? Are they more aligned with an omnivore or a #vegan? Who would they associate and connect with more? Is this whole baby step/stepping stone/ #MeatlessMonday situation just a tokenistic way to make people feel better about themselves without doing much about anything (a #CheatDay or 4, per week, is allowed right? Right?). Where are all these allies, 50 years worth, of people, switching over to realising what they are doing is cruel to the animal? Wouldn't 50 years of baby steps from Princeton, be enough to reach Melbourne by now?
3/n 🧵
#vegans #veganism #GoVegan #VeganForTheAnimals #AnimalRights #VeganRant #VeganForTheCheatDays
#kosher #halal #vegan #MeatlessMonday #cheatday #vegans #veganism #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #animalrights #veganrant #veganforthecheatdays
This just isn’t right 😡 It also isn't safe - for anyone.
"Seddic said the NCMF was disturbed about the discovery of fish slices coated with pig’s blood being sold at the #CentralPublicMarket. She described this practice as 'horrible' and 'disrespectful' towards Muslims."
Muslim agency seeks #halal area at #GeneralSantos market over pig’s blood mess | #Philippines
#philippines #generalsantos #halal #centralpublicmarket
The intersection of Geary & Jones has one of the greatest densities of halal food I know of. Kinara, which is a date-y place for young hip Muslims, has fancyish Pakistani food (like golgappa shots). Halal Wings Plus for well, halal wings. Red Chilli for halal momos. Hawawshy and koshari (which is also vegan) at Pharoahs.
Nearby, Yemen Kitchen, Halal Dastarkhan, Halal Guys, A La Turca—and very slightly further away, Van Ness Cafe.
The quest for delicious Halal Wagyu Beef #Tokyo #Japan #wagyu #travelshorts #travel
#halal #Japan #Tokyo #Tokyodestinations #Tokyotour #tokyotravel #Tokyotrip #Tokyovacation #travel #travelblog #wagyu #東京
#tokyo #japan #wagyu #travelshorts #travel #halal #tokyodestinations #tokyotour #tokyotravel #tokyotrip #tokyovacation #travelblog #東京
In search of Halal Ramen in Tokyo #travelshort #tokyo #halaljapan #japan
#halal #Japan #ramen #Tokyo #Tokyodestinations #Tokyotour #tokyotravel #Tokyotrip #Tokyovacation #travel #travelblog #東京
#travelshort #tokyo #halaljapan #japan #halal #ramen #tokyodestinations #tokyotour #tokyotravel #tokyotrip #tokyovacation #travel #travelblog #東京
Heute den neuen Seelenschießer ausprobiert, um ein Gefühl dafür zu bekommen. Man kann zwar auch Seelen ohne #backen, aber haben ist immer besser als brauchen ;-)
Im Gegensatz zum ursprünglichen #Rezept habe ich ein gutes Olivenöl statt Schweineschmalz genommen, somit ist das Teil, da wir auch sonst keine tierischen Produkte verwenden #koscher, #halal und #vegan sowieso.
Zum Rezept hier entlang ==>
#backen #rezept #koscher #halal #vegan
Halal Vanilla Extract | 100ml - Ksh.1600/=
Halal Other Extracts | 100ml | Ksh.1080/=
☎️: 0739959662
Happy Baking!! 😃😃😃😃😃
#halal #halalextracts #MadeInKenya #ArtisanalGourmet #NaisenyaFoods 💯
#halal #halalextracts #madeinkenya #artisanalgourmet #naisenyafoods
@ovid @mechanlou TIL about #FrenchTacos. (Don’t forget the “s,” even when singular.)
Apparently it’s a tortilla folded into a rectangle around (usually #halal) meat, condiments, and cheese sauce, usually with French fries stuffed in.
They are definitely #French, though probably originating from snack bars run by #NorthAfrican descendants. And they are even farther from #Mexican #tacos than #TexMex is from Mexican #food.
#frenchtacos #halal #french #northafrican #mexican #tacos #texmex #food